GT40 into Canada

Has anyone successfully brought a GT40 into Canada and registered it for the street? I would be interested in what the process is to do this.



Lifetime Supporter
I posted a similar question previously as I was supposed to relocate to Calgary. A search will bring up a few posts on the subject for more in depth answers.

Quick answer is if it is a built and titled car you refer to it would need to be 15 years old at first registration date to be eligible for permanent importation. I see you are in Texas (?) so if you are heading to Canada on temporary assignment then I think you may be able to get it in with you under a temporary importation, but are not allowed to sell it inside Canada.

If you want to go through a build the parts have to be sourced from different suppliers, no complete kit or anything that substantially resembles a car in kit form.

Either way there are people here on the forum that are far more knowledgeable than I and can help out I'm sure.