New! The Old White Guy Channel!

Come on Jim, rather than slinging mud and defensive counter-images of other T-Shirt slogans, explain or demonstrate where anything written on the grey shirt (tongue-in-cheek or not), does not adequately and fairly accurately, describe the general operations of both your governmental system and ours. I don't see any blame being pointed in any particular direction directly.

Why do you align yourself with a defence of such a crappy system? Why do you insist upon constantly blaming the other guy for all of our woes? Can you not accept that perhaps, both sides are equally responsible over a period of the last ten or so decades, for screwing us over?

I suspect it has more to do with the thread title, provocation,
Half arab, half white guy.

past misunderstandings / differences / hurt feelings and resentment on both sides. :)

“I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to”. Something I need to remember.

Personally I feel ever stronger, that the best vote is no vote. But for that to work, we all must align ourselves and remove our support from the entire folly that is the party-political structure.

Sadly I have to agree yesterday was the first time ever that I have not voted in a government election, complete waste of time and money.


Nick for your edification, the provocation in the thread title is not mine, it was (is) a tag I (and others) seem to have acquired from the Smug Bastards Club some time ago. To be honest, I still have no idea what it really means as the term appears to be of North American origin and therefore is a mystery to myself and other like minded persons (but mainly me, as I am a complete thicko)

So, being what I am, I thought I would have some fun with it.

The bait has been affixed, the line cast, and already we have nibbles, but have no fear, the line is of light construction and will break quite easily.

It seems the fishing here will be Good, but I fear I'll never get you properly on the hook :)
The bait has been affixed, the line cast, and already we have nibbles, but have no fear, the line is of light construction and will break quite easily.

It seems the fishing here will be Good, but I fear I'll never get you properly on the hook :)

Understood Keith :thumbsup: but I am too Smug to be fully caught, or am I?

Nick for your edification, the provocation in the thread title is not mine, it was (is) a tag I (and others) seem to have acquired from the Smug Bastards Club some time ago. To be honest, I still have no idea what it really means as the term appears to be of North American origin and therefore is a mystery to myself and other like minded persons (but mainly me, as I am a complete thicko)

So, being what I am, I thought I would have some fun with it.

The bait has been affixed, the line cast, and already we have nibbles, but have no fear, the line is of light construction and will break quite easily.

It seems the fishing here will be Good, but I fear I'll never get you properly on the hook :)

I fear we can be misunderstood by "others". So I Googled :eek: British Cultural traits for their enlightnment.

Self-effacing. The British do not like boasting in any form. They prefer instead to
denigrate themselves and their country. Healthy self-mockery and cynicism is highly
regarded in British culture. Just consider Shakespeare's humour.

However, take note: They will still be offended if you join in with the joking about
themselves or their country.

If you boast about your country, your academic achievements, or whatever, they will
smile and nod politely but inwardly they will think you are a buffoon.

The British
prefer people who keep quiet about their praise points and laugh about their faults. If
you must praise a Briton, make it heartfelt, true, and short.


A West Country local was sat by a bucket with a rod, dangling a fishing line into it. A gentleman from London decided to have some fun, wondered over to him and asked smugly “how many have you caught”.

The yokel looked up at him, and with a twinkle in his eye said “you’re the 5th so far today”

Good fishing :)
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A bloke is watching a film with creepy organ music on the TV and suddenly yells, "Don't enter that church, you idiot!!!"

His wife asks him, "What are you watching?"

Husband replies, "Our wedding video"

Knock knock. Who's there? "Doorbell repair man"

I fitted strobe lights in the bedroom. They're brilliant. It makes the wife look like she's actually moving during sex

Essex girl in bed with her boyfriend says, "How dare you call me a slapper. Get out of my bed right now and take your mates with you!"

A big row has broken out in the Irish Olympic Synchronised Diving Team after Paddy accused Mick of copying him.


OWG's On Vacation



No David, I'm trying to make that Vodka Cake, you know, the recipe you gave me last year mate...

I'm struggling.

1 cup sugar, half pound butter, 1tsp baking powder, 1 cup water, 1tsp salt, 1cup brown sugar, lemon juice, 4 large eggs, nuts, 1....bottle vodka, 2 cups dried fruit, 4 cups self raising flour.

Sample a cup of vodka to check quality.

Take a large bowl, check the vodka again to be sure it is of the highest quality, the
n repeat.
Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.

Add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point, it's best to make sure the vodka is still Ok.

Try another cup just in case. Turn off the mixer thingy. Break 2 eegs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.

Pick the fruit off the floor, wash it and put it in the bowl a piece at a time trying to count it.

Mix on the turner. If the fried druit getas stuck in the beaterers, just pry it loose with a drewscriver.

Sample the vodka to test for tonsisticity. Next sift 2 cups of salt, or something.

Check the vodka. Now shit shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table.

Add a spoon of sugar or somefink. Whatever you can find.

Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.

Don't forget to beat off the turner.

Finally, throw the bowl through the feckin window. Finish of the vodka and wipe the counter with the feckin cat

Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
...we all must align ourselves and remove our support from the entire folly that is the party-political structure.

On the nailhead, Mark!

We don't need parties anymore (I wonder if we ever did). We have the technology to function in a truly democratic manner without the electoral college and all the failures that have accompanied it.

If we could get rid of the politicians, perhaps we would be able to get this country back on the right track again (and, of course, we all still agree to disagree about which track that is :idea: )

I'm an old white guy, will turn 64 soon enough....absolutely could not convince myself that the old white guy who ran for POTUS was dependable, that he would do as he says he would, that he was honest. What a shame....he really should have been a no-brainer for all us old white guys.

It would be folly to believe that the OWG party guys would all vote for him...just isn't reality.





The trouble with just posting a link without adding anything is that it could be misinterpreted as an endorsement of the preposterous rhetoric of an insane mindless minority whose fathers were obviously bachelors.

Imaginably their inane offensive drivel disgusted you so much you were unable at the time, to add anything to condem their vile untruths.

Yeah! What he said. Liking it, liking it..:thumbsup:

However, I don't think the manner of the post in question conveys any chance of misinterpretation at the OWG Panel says :thumbsdown: to the perp.