The Shirley Sharrod Affair


Doug, I addressed my regards for Mr. Breitbart's journalism in my earlier posts. I also commented on the related behavior by the Obama Administration and the NAACP. Ms Sherrod says she's going to sue. Whether Mr. Breitbart's actions rise to the level of libel is a matter for adjudication. So no need to repeat myself. But too summarize in answer to your questions, yes and no.
I don't find that sexual slurs; racial, ethnic or political stereotyping generate my sympathy. Doug your use of the term "anyone aligned" stereotypes over approximate half of the U.S. electorate as well. That's as responsible as calling every liberal a Communist.
For liberals to smear large groups of people they don't know simply reflect the new left's hate politics. It's a pity there is so much indulgence to it here.
But I wanted to thank you. You comment that the "Obama administration has a few failures" was the first time I laughed out loud in days, especially in light of the Rose Garden Ceremoney with Mr. Obama appealing for the unemployment support Leslie Macko, a Charlottesville, Va, woman who reportedly had been dismissed from her job as an aesthetician at the spa of the Atlantic Coast Athletic Club. Apparently her unemployment was related to her being found guilty of prescription drug fraud in March 2009, one month before Macko lost her job at ACAC. She served a one year probationary sentence.
Very compassionate though.
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
If that sign had said:
Taxpayer= slave
What would the response have been?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Posted by Al

Let me guess, you would not have called him a "butthead/abnormal person" ?

But he did and you did

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
In order to have a constructive conversation, there has to be a free, informed and honest dialogue.
Posted by Ron

I know that Ron won't see this but what a load of crap!

What part of a free, informed dialog includes censure of the disenting views.
You characterize the entire Tea Party Movement based on a picture of a poster (whose meaning is not clear). That’s stereotyping and is as ethically wrong as the stereotypes that have been applied to minorities through the years.
I don't condemn anyone;

The Obama administration, at best, is inept, at worst emerging fascism.


I'm perplexed, you don't believe in stereotyping, name calling, or condemning anyone, but you believe the whole Obama administration to be inept possible fascists.




Nick, I don’t condemn people, but I will address behavior. “Inept” pretty much sums up my best case assessment of the Obama Administration’s performance to date with the basis being the broken promises, jobs, the conduct of the war in Afghanistan, jobs, massive document leaks, jobs, massive spending without intended result, jobs, poor personnel selection, jobs, clumsy crisis response and the most recent goof in the Rose Garden imploring unemployment benefits for a convicted felon terminated for drug fraud. Remember they promised jobs in exchange for massive stimulus, the “Summer of Recovery” and a “post racial presidency”. All they have now is lame "Blame Bush" rhetoric. So “Inept” is the kindest word I can think of. Unlike the racist and homophobic name calling direct at every member of the Tea Party movement, it’s based on the facts. If you think the administration is doing great, please show me. As for as their progress to facism, that remains to be seen. Just think, the U.S. government with it’s ownership of GM and Chrysler is the largest automaker in the world. With TARP, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac plus the new Financail Reform, they control the largest banking system in the world. They are about to control one fifth of the U.S. economy with Obama Care. It certainly apprears to me the administration and Democrat Congress have a clear dirigisme focus whereby the government exerts strong directive influence, and effectively controls production and allocation of resources. In general, apart from the nationalizations of some industries, fascist economies were based on private property and private initiative, but these were contingent upon service to the state through service, taxation and control. It should be noted Robert Paxton wrote that fascism is a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy, but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion. In Italy Fascism involved corporatism, a political system in which the economy is collectively managed by employers, workers, and state officials by formal mechanisms at the national level. Fascists advocated a new national class-based economic system, variously termed "national corporatism", "national socialism" or "national syndicalism". The common aim of all fascist movements was elimination of economic autonomy. As those things occur or not, the matter of emerging Facism will be answered. But at least Mussolini got the trains to run on time.

You seem to have described my feelings about the UK conservative government of the 80’s, and the Labour government that followed. Now we have a Conservative/Liberal government hopefully my views will change, although I suspect the views of 99% of our taxi drivers will remain the same as your views of your government.

"You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time".

You can accuse Obama of many things but fascism!!. Knowing what fascists would think of African Americans, his administration adopting their methods and policies, would be akin to turkeys voting for Christmas.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
If that sign had said:
Taxpayer= slave

Al, I would have thought is was like a lot of signs seen at this sort of event, way over the top but lets everyone know were the sign holder stands. But also insulting to most.

I't appears that he is equating paying taxes to being a slave. You may not know this but slaves do not get to choose their slave owners.

I'm sure this clown has no idea what a slaves life is really like or he would not be so flipant, I pay taxes, a lot of taxes and I have a wonderful life, its hard to imagine a life further from being a slave.

We pay a fairly small part of our income and with that get a large group of benifits.

At no additional charge we get: schooling, police, fire protection, military protection, paved roads, air traffic control, food and medicine that does not kill us, social security, meda care, Coast Guard, homeland security.................on and on!

Once again, I'm sure that you and he think this is an incredable revalation, but its usless, missleading drival. When you add N***** to the sign you get what you so rightly called a "butthead/abnormal person" it really is a hate filled racist person who wants everyone to know!
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Good morning, I do not know how familiar you Brits are with how most of these folks get their information and ideas, but here in the US there are a number of information sources that only show one side of any situation.

It is not exclusively conservative, both sides do this but the consirvatives have taken this to a new level. These consirvative media outlets find fault with absolutly everything the other side does, it makes no differance what Obama does he is wrong and ruining America.

If Obama found the cure for cancer, Fox would rant that he has ruined the medical industry!

Nick, as you and I know, in our world no one is always right and no one is always wrong. As uoy can see, in their world things are different.
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Until now, that is. A new survey by the University of Washington Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race & Sexuality offers fresh insight into the racial attitudes of Tea Party sympathizers. "The data suggests that people who are Tea Party supporters have a higher probability"—25 percent, to be exact—"of being racially resentful than those who are not Tea Party supporters," says Christopher Parker, who directed the study. "The Tea Party is not just about politics and size of government. The data suggests it may also be about race."

The Tea Party movement has shown its ugly colors yesterday as members of its movement hurled racial epithets at several black congressman
during their so-called health care protest yesterday in Washington D.C. And, as the House votes on Healthcare Reform today the Tea Party's message has been twarted by racism.

Al there are literally hundreds of similar articles
You've shown Tea Partiers making accusations of racism. That is not evidence of them being racist.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

I do not know if you have studied psychology but these signs tell a fair amont about mind set of these guys.

Here's this guy , and he's making a sign to take to the big rally, A very nicely done sign I must say. He picks four words for his sign. Out of all the words in the world, he picks the words in no particular order:

Gee I wonder were his thoughts are?


In the next photo, here's a guy making a sign, he manages to get the words slave owners in one space, then he adds something to the bottom, we cant tell what it was but if you look closely you can see he has covered over something with white paper. He either spelled somthing wrong (although I'm sure he spells better than I) or felt it just needed more punch so he added the word N*****.

I wonder where his thoughts are!

Dale Robertson, a Tea Party activist who operates, is getting stung for an old photo — taken at the Feb. 27, 2009 Tea Party in Houston — in which he holds a sign reading “Congress = Slaveowner, Taxpayer = Niggar.”
After the ResistNet listerv promoted “Liberty Concerts” to be held by, a source passed on this photo of Robertson, after the jump.

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Good morning, I do not know how familiar you Brits are with how most of these folks get their information and ideas, but here in the US there are a number of information sources that only show one side of any situation.

If Obama found the cure for cancer, Fox would rant that he has ruined the medical industry!


That is the conclusion I had come to.

In our last election the right complained the BBC was biased towards the left, and the left complained the BBC was biased towards the right. To me that shows the BBC on the whole is balanced and I tend to believe what they report.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

That sounds like the best of both worlds, both sides being a little upset probably makes the BBC both on their toes and happy!

....we here in the US would be blessed with such a situation, but as of now we only have hope.

The thing I find so unbelievable is that a fair number of people listen to what they know is a one sided rant and not only believe it but then repeats it here as if it is the truth.

The problem that they have here, is what the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, Hanity learned long ago. This type of propaganda only works were no one is allowed to point out the absudity of their position.

They never rear anyone say what a minute Rush what about this...........or Rush that does not make sence.......

When they hear that here they ether try and defend an absurd position or just get very angry.
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Hi Nick.
For discussion purposes consider if this summarizes current administration's goals:

We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunities for employment and earning a living.

The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within its confines and for the good of all. Therefore, we end to the power of the financial interests.

We demand profit sharing in big business.

We demand a broad extension of care for the aged.

We demand...the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state and municipal governments.

In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our entire system of public education...We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents...

The government must undertake the improvement of public health -- by the greatest possible support for all clubs concerned with the physical education of youth.

[We] combat the...materialistic spirit withn and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good .


The previous was obviously a trick question and I'm sure those of you with nimble fingers have already discovered the source.
Nick, my context here is my view that fascist (versus capitalist, socialist or communist) economic policy (versus ideology), promote a "corporatist" vs state or individual ownership) economy whereby, in theory, representatives of capital and labor interest groups work together within selected key corporations serve the national interest (versus their owners or shareholders). This is in contrast to complete Socialism where there is no individual ownership in favor of the state.
I am deeply bothered by several things about this government (both parties, last 20 years) in the power centralization in the apparent pursuit of power. I think Orwell is the one that said “Absolute power absolutely corrupts”. The government is too big, too clumsy, too inefficient, too expensive and too remote from the people it’s supposed to serve. It's an elephant in a china shop. It has absolutely has no business acquiring ownership (at the expense of bond holders) in two auto companies (one of which was bailed out before) and through TARP, stock ownership in private financial institutions. State ownership of corporate entities is a tenant of Fascism and the basis of my statements. I deeply hope they do as they promised and divest not only the auto companies but the banks, financial institutions as well (to include Fannie and Freddie Mac -I'd turn those into a public utility insulated from political influence). Fair regulation is absolutely a government obligation as is oversight but ownership crosses the line with me. My concern with Obama Care is the government ownership of health insurance. If they divest, my “Fascist worries” will have been needless. But that’s the emerging issue I worry about.
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Quote: Jim Craik
The Tea Party movement has shown its ugly colors yesterday as members of its movement hurled racial epithets at several black congressman

Jim, There are video tapes of the congressmen walking past the tea party members taken from several different angles. At no time did anyone say anything bad or racial to the congressmen. It's a fabrication!

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Al, I guarantee you I have never written those words. you did not get that quote from me.

I have gone back over the earlier posts and those words were written by Newsweek and attached to a photo I used to answer your question about "proof" that the tea party is racist.

Al if you are going to quote me please use my words.
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