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  • Alex not sure if you received my last email ? who do you have your SL-C insured with ?
    I'm getting close to putting mine on the road, I only insurance company I know of that might do it is Silver wheels in Calgary.
    Hello Alex did your car come with the ISIS wiring? if so, do you know if it has day time running lights.
    Hi Alex,

    I want a order a SL-C soon but have a few things that im still thinking about. I see you are in Canada and was wondering if you would be so kind to answer a few questions.

    1) I live in Mission, BC. So in regards to registration / insurance etc. How difficult was it to import / register and insure your Sl-C ? And what is your cost to insure the car / year ?
    2) What ECU are you running ?
    3) What gearbox are you running ?

    I'll be contacting RCR in the new year and maybe do a trip to them.
    Thanks in advance.

    Arno Schutte
    Hello Alex,

    Im working on my new gt40 mk1 replica and im am stuggling on my clutch system. I saw you were using a ricardo trasmission too, so could you please advice me on some points:
    Which type of clutch master cylinder did you use? (stroke and bore)
    And the pedalbox ratio for the clutch pedal.
    I hope you can help with this.

    Kind regards,
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