Automotive Wallpapers


I'm working on a complete Microsoft GT40 'Theme' right now that will add wallpaper, new icons for various Windows bits like the recycle bin, new engine like sounds for the clicks and double clicks, and new system busy spinning timers etc etc..

basically it'll complete GT40-ise your whole desktop for you....

just doing it for a bit of fun... will post for anyone who wants it when done..




Neil, you must be a busy man!! If you have found some secret source of more hours to put into each day, please share!!! How is the monocoque coming?

If you or any of your mates run into a source for the raidHP Super Snap-off steering quick release, please let me know. It is the best for a street car I have ever found and the vendor we used to order it through won't sell them unless it is with a steering wheel as well. The raidHP wheels are nice, but most of us use others.

I thought the people involved in the conversation comparing the Enzo to the McLaren F1 would find this wallpaper site interesting as both of them are there. It has about 7 pages of car photos suitable to this use. There are many models not available to us in the states. I will definitely look forward to seeing your work though. Very much more focused on our interests it sounds like!
Hi Lynn!

My secret on how to find the time for all these projects?.... esay....I have 2 young kids that are training me on how to cope with 4 hours of sleep a night!

The Monocoque is coming along nicely...

I have a design in AutoCAD that is getting more complete by the day, and have completed probably the largest single job that will be involved in the whole build up..... cleaning the garage!

The corner of my Garage now lies deep in various shapes and sizes of Marine Plywood, and soon I will start on what I hope will be the first all-wood GT40 chassis... this will form the 'buck' upon which the steel will sit. As the steel is mostly pretty thin stuff (20 gauge), then you need a 'former' upon which to build it....

will post some photos of the project soon....

