Electric Vechicles Are Here - The world is rapidly going to S#@!

Howard Jones

So why would those one side of an issue so fervently demand that the status quo be uprooted and create such widespread disruption when it is more and more evident that getting rid of ICE and replacing them with EV really isn't a solution to the environmental issue that they perceive to be so urgent.

Could it be to gain control over another element of freedom, private ownership of the means of individual movement, This whole EV movement is nothing more than an extension of socialist ideology in that the state must be more and more empowered to CONTROL everything and that the individual can't be entrusted with self-determination to decide for oneself. Things like, healthcare, school choice, property rights, border security, wealth transfer to your children, personal ownership of the means to defend your own life, etc. You name it, the left is in favor of more control for the state in every case of contention concerning individual liberty.

This whole "global warming" rebranded to "climate change" because it really wasn't warming and climate change is a continuous process that has been going on for millennia and can be sold as a crisis. Remember the left mantra "never let a crisis go to waste"

Again why would the left be so committed to all-electric cars powered by essentially state-controlled electrical production? Ya, you know why. So do they, except they believe the lie is just a tool to further their agenda.

There it is......................

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
For me, the biggest problem is the control given to entities like the power company and the gov when you subject yourself to an EV, they can literally shut you down at any time. And that just doesn't speak USA to me. Just my .02

GM’s On-Star has been able to do the remote shut-down for 2 decades now. I suspect Ford’s new Sync can do it as well..

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
So why would those one side of an issue so fervently demand that the status quo be uprooted and create such widespread disruption when it is more and more evident that getting rid of ICE and replacing them with EV really isn't a solution to the environmental issue that they perceive to be so urgent.

Could it be to gain control over another element of freedom, private ownership of the means of individual movement, This whole EV movement is nothing more than an extension of socialist ideology in that the state must be more and more empowered to CONTROL everything and that the individual can't be entrusted with self-determination to decide for oneself. Things like, healthcare, school choice, property rights, border security, wealth transfer to your children, personal ownership of the means to defend your own life, etc. You name it, the left is in favor of more control for the state in every case of contention concerning individual liberty.

This whole "global warming" rebranded to "climate change" because it really wasn't warming and climate change is a continuous process that has been going on for millennia and can be sold as a crisis. Remember the left mantra "never let a crisis go to waste"

Again why would the left be so committed to all-electric cars powered by essentially state-controlled electrical production? Ya, you know why. So do they, except they believe the lie is just a tool to further their agenda.

There it is......................

I can only speak for myself but perhaps others may share the same philosophy...
I like the fact that we ::
* are coming out with different means of propulsion.
* can “grow” fuel (methanol).
* can utilize wind, solar, geothermal and hydro to help offset dependence upon petrol.
* have less maintenance that involves the disposal of fluids like engine & transmission oils.
Personally, I am not a typical “Greenie”. I am not jumping to conclusions about global warming being caused by irresponsible mankind. I do, however, want to not pollute any more than I feel is necessary or justified.
That said —
In my mind - we can utilize electric power as not only a means of propulsion, but to localize any points of pollution to the area surrounding power generation. IE - the EV cars themselves do not pollute, but the power generation process may. And yes, the manufacturing process for batteries, power cells may also be polluting - but again, those processes can be monitored at a single point rather than millions of points.

Re: State Controlled & political agendas.
We can’t really get into any level of detail here or I would be breaking the rules. I will say that some theorists give our governments a lot more credit than I feel is due.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
"The reality is there will always be ICE motored vehicles for you to enjoy."

No Jeff, the zealots won't be satisfied to let internal combustion engine-powered vehicles simply dwindle away. They will insist that they be completely eliminated and outlawed. In some places, older cars are already required to be sent to a crusher. Zealots are vindictive and authoritarian by nature. They cannot stand to see others doing as they please and being happy.

Wrong. Put your money where your mouth is. $10,000 says ICE vehicles are not outlawed. The outlaw crowd is way smaller than you think. Plenty of people fully believe ICE and EVs can and will exist side by side.

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
There is a lot going on in this thread. Electric cars are getting more capable, the more they progress the more I have interest. But one thing that never really seems to get addressed - what are we going to do with all the spent batteries? Has somebody worked out the cost of battery waste relative to the environmental 'savings'? Living in the SF Bay Area I see bazillions of Teslas everyday, oddly most of them stoplight race cars. Even older folks are hip to demonstrate the power... all the way to the next stoplight ... or the speed limit (whichever comes first) ;-)

I work for an electrical transmission and distribution company. We just put together a white paper on using dead EV batteries -- which aren't really "dead" just not efficient enough to be used in an EV -- as battery storage on the grid.
So why would those one side of an issue so fervently demand that the status quo be uprooted and create such widespread disruption when it is more and more evident that getting rid of ICE and replacing them with EV really isn't a solution to the environmental issue that they perceive to be so urgent.

Could it be to gain control over another element of freedom, private ownership of the means of individual movement, This whole EV movement is nothing more than an extension of socialist ideology in that the state must be more and more empowered to CONTROL everything and that the individual can't be entrusted with self-determination to decide for oneself. Things like, healthcare, school choice, property rights, border security, wealth transfer to your children, personal ownership of the means to defend your own life, etc. You name it, the left is in favor of more control for the state in every case of contention concerning individual liberty.

This whole "global warming" rebranded to "climate change" because it really wasn't warming and climate change is a continuous process that has been going on for millennia and can be sold as a crisis. Remember the left mantra "never let a crisis go to waste"

Again why would the left be so committed to all-electric cars powered by essentially state-controlled electrical production? Ya, you know why. So do they, except they believe the lie is just a tool to further their agenda.

There it is......................
For many of us this side of the pond it is hard to understand why in the US you cannot support one side of a debate without coming under an ad hominem attack from those who disagree with that view.

"America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours." You want to claim this land as the land of the free? . Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free."

This article for me explained how in some areas the politics have used to hijack the environmental debate by both sides.

“Even the most ardent environmentalist doesn't really want to stop pollution. If he thinks about it, and doesn't just talk about it, he wants to have the right amount of pollution. We can't really afford to eliminate it - not without abandoning all the benefits of technology that we not only enjoy but on which we depend.”

Quoted from the book, “ There’s no free lunch “ by economist Milton Friedman.


Joseph Nightingale, the author of that piece and many others, is an editor for "Medium", an on-line subscription publication that aspires to be seen as serious journalism. Nightingale seems to be obsessed by Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump. He does not present himself as an authority on "climate change".

As an editor, he could use some editing himself: "No. Something’s are settled science."


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Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil
It's clear that you are speaking out against the left, the progressives, the liberals. Because they are, of course, burying or burning any words, books, statues, ideas, etc that don't fit the agenda. Much like what happened across a smaller pond from you in the early 20th century.
Quick example, the British police force :


Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
That headline is just wrong:

1. After 2035, all new vehicles will have to be zero emissions. Not "no ICE vehicles."
2. It does nothing about existing ICE vehicles. Quote from the Executive Order: The executive order will not prevent Californians from owning gasoline-powered cars or selling them on the used car market.

I'll take payment in the form of hookers and blow.


"That does not mean the state is going to ban existing gasoline-powered cars or eliminate sales of vehicles with internal combustion engines on the used car market.

“No one’s taking away those cars,” Cliff said. “No one’s trying to go into your garage and get rid of your car and say you can’t register it."

Sure, I believe you... sure, ... we didn't all just fall off the turnip truck.
Why are old white people so scared of so many things?

Sad way to live.

It's not just old white people. It's old people in general. You see, we have what's called life experience. It's where one learns from one's past and becomes sceptical when one hears or reads something that just doesn't add up...

Jeff Young

GT40s Supporter
I'm 52. Seen quite a bit. I've heard that the government was going to ban high horsepower cars since I was a kid. Hasn't happened. Guns. Hasn't happened. Fast food. Hasn't happened. That's one thing I've learned from the past, is that there is a broad swath of America who is easily manipulated by fear.

P.S. I also learned it's spelled "skeptical."
I'm 52. Seen quite a bit. I've heard that the government was going to ban high horsepower cars since I was a kid. Hasn't happened. Guns. Hasn't happened. Fast food. Hasn't happened. That's one thing I've learned from the past, is that there is a broad swath of America who is easily manipulated by fear.

P.S. I also learned it's spelled "skeptical."

It depends on whether you prefer Merriam-Webster or Oxford.
They're both correct.
It's clear that you are speaking out against the left, the progressives, the liberals. Because they are, of course, burying or burning any words, books, statues, ideas, etc that don't fit the agenda. Much like what happened across a smaller pond from you in the early 20th century.
Quick example, the British police force :

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Getting a long way from the original post and afraid you have lost me, we have reached page 8 so I suppose that is quite good before Goodwin’s Law kicks in, never seen anyone left or right burning books. Saw some statues being vandalised on the news, but that was by a few mindless idiots in my opinion, who did not represent the majority in any form.

I do however fully endorse the Merseyside police (who are incidentally 12 miles away from where I am now) enforcing the law and can see nothing wrong with a police poster that points out if you break the law regarding hate crime it will not be tolerated.

“Being offensive is an Offence Merseyside Police stand with and support the LGBTQ+ community, we will not tolerate Hate Crime on any level.”