"GT and Sports Car Project"


One of the things John Horsman gave me was his copy of "GT and Sports Car Project" by Roy Lunn, Advanced Concepts Dept.-Special Vehicle Activity Ford Division-Ford Motor Company. The book is about 1/2" thick, spiral bound, and full of early GT40 development tests and reports. I have seen quite a few references to this publication but I do not know if there are copies in private hands. Can anyone shed any light of the status of this book? Is is in circulation?
GT40-Lunn 1.jpg
GT40-Lunn 2.jpg
I'm always interested in original paper work. 1/2 inch thick should be a good read. Around 20 pages have been put on the net from a story if I remember correctly about the Ford v Ferrari movie a few years ago
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Is this the same as the SAE papers? They were gathered by Roy Lunn and are made up of about 121 pages. Various copies of the PDF have circulated and are probably available somewhere on this forum

Is this the same as the SAE papers? They were gathered by Roy Lunn and are made up of about 121 pages. Various copies of the PDF have circulated and are probably available somewhere on this forum

No different papers. The SAE papers can be found on this site very easily.


Here are a couple of pages from my files.


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