i hope evryones ok in Nth US

Been watching the news and you look like your getting your winters snow fall in one hit, hope everyone is warm and safe.

The area around Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia, as well as New York City got hit with a lot of snow and the coastal areas of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut saw some flooding from the winds, upwards of 50 mph, and an extra high tide but the Northeast seems to have survived fairly well, The more southern states had some fatalities from the storm, many due to traffic accidents and related wether conditions. Connecticut was the break point as the shoreline (near where I am) saw smaller amounts, up to 12 or more inches of snow (and flooding), while the northern part of the state got nothing at all, a separation of maybe 30 miles or so. This is something that occurs frequently (several feet of snow) throughout the New England/northern NY state area in the winter season and we're accustomed to it (and as such, the media doesn't normally make much of it) but this time it slammed an area not usually hit by a big storm like this. The NY roads will be open soon and people will dig out in a day or so. The cities will lag in recovery due to difficulty in clearing snow from urban locations. In the end, the flooding will take the longest from which to recover. Thanks for your concern.
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It was a great chance to use the next to new snowblower. It shoots snow 30 feet up into the woods! Not a GT40 or a Cobra day for the next week. We averaged anywhere from13" to 22" of snow where people live (wind chill was down to 2 degrees). Up higher at 6,684 feet they recorded a new record total of 66" with 44" coming on Saturday. Great skiing on the slopes. A few power outages with the high winds here in Western NC. When I lived at 4200 feet, we use to shovel out to start the 4x4 and then shovel back into the house while it warmed up. I talked with my cousin who lives in Georgetown (DC) several times. I think they ended up with 18 inches. She did tell me that where she lives is on the same electrical grid as the White House and never have power outage.
6 deaths in the state...people still don't use seat-belts.