Measurement needed

Does someone have the measurement of the front top of dash to the top of the footwell measurement? My body is off right now so I am not sure what angle the dash should be at. I am setting up my defroster hook up right now and it needs to be relatively precise based on how I am doing it. I didn't get the fancy plenum some of you more recent purchasers got. :)
Here is the specific measurement I am hoping someone has.

(Scott waits patiently for Fran to come in and say my chassis and dash are both different than all other production cars and measurement will not transfer over to mine) Haha.
It may not help much, but the dash on my car is relatively level with respect to the ground. And mine's an early car.

However, I think the dash needs to be fitted to the car with the body on. You may be able to get it close enough for your purposes, though, depending on how your AC plenum/hose is designed. If you want to do it now, why not make a plenum that looks about an inch too short, and make it up with foam sealing tape that will seal when the dash is installed later?
I have a plenum I won't be using, it will not flow as well as dedicated hoses will.
so it as well as numerous other part are able for sale lol. Cheap !!
I'm not sure yet, but I may be going with some sort of hybrid plenum/couplings ;)

