My front wheels suck!

The cast center piece of my 3 piece Jongbloed wheels sticks up .75 past the transition lip on the outer half. This sucks, and if I paint them orange as planned, they're going to look stupid.


Bill D

Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
Bill, don't worry - if the world at large didn't suck, we'd all fall off !

A bit of careful masking & they'll look sweet.

Kind Regards,

Peter D.
I apologise for the cock-up with the rims, I was not aware that they would look like that when I ordered them for you.Ryan made no indication of this during the last four months of waiting for them.
I will drop ship you a new pair from Vintage, then ship me the Jongbloed front wheels so I can continue the saga with Ryan at Jongbloed, I dont want to waste the time and money I spent on those for no good reason....


I agree bill, looks crap, either the offset is wrong or the rim is wrong side out-- send 'em back and tell 'em they're "Dreamin'" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bash.gif


Lifetime Supporter
Bill, after noticing this concern, have you tried assembling the wheels in different configurations, ie now disassemble the rears and put the front centers in same. Or how about swapping the inner and outer lips to see if that cures the problem? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twocents.gif
The wheels go together in only one fashion - the inner rim, then the outer rim, then the center piece. The whole thing is bolted together from the rear. There is no other way to assemble them. The inner ring is not polished, nor does it have a hole for the valve stem, thus I know I have them on correctly.

I checked the center pieces to see if they were different. They're all the same.


Lifetime Supporter
Bill thanks for the explanation, however I am familar how the wheels go together. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beat.gif All I was suggesting was if you were happy with the way the rears went together, why not take them apart, swap the centers and see if you still have the same problem.


Lifetime Supporter
Hey Bill, I resemble that remark. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif You're not the only one that sucks! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif Not quite 3/4" but same issue. PS Engineering BRMs. No worries buddy, you are likely the only one that will notice. A careful tape job will help it disappear.


Don't get too frustrated, I'm on my third set of front tires, Diameter too big on the first, rubbed the lower valance, got pissed and purchased 50 series aspect ratio equivalent, looks way too small, came back to rational state, did the measurements, found something decent. All part of the process. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


Lifetime Supporter
Bill, it sounds like you solved your own problem then. From an earlier post, it appears that you received the rims five days ago. Why not just send them back to Jongbloed to spin new outers? Yes, it would have been nice to receive the correct wheels on the first try, but the world is not perfect. Perhaps if you let Jongbloed assemble the wheels this wouldn't have happened. Granted they should have test assembled them first and then shipped them disassembled per your request anyway. Aren't you months away from your car being streetable? With the current climate, I think many forum members would like to have your problem. It seems kind of trivial to me.

Charlie M

I ran into the same thing with the Team III Halibrand style wheels I bought for my Cobra. I pulled the rear wheels out of the box and they looked great. I pulled out one of the fronts and said WTF!!! The center section stuck out about the same as yours, about 3/4". The rim width/backspace combo I used on the front was the cause. The Team III's are 2-piece welded.

I ended up keeping them. I doubt most people notice although mine aren't painted.

The wheels are correct as far as I can tell. I could have Jongbloed spin deeper fronts. But then the wheel will stick out the side of the body.

If I have him spin new inners, then the rim will hit the suspension.
My new front wheels are on their way

new fronts are on the way...the rears look killer though
please ship me the Jongbloeds back and I will deal with Ryan at Jongbloed....I have not even received the second set of wheels ordered in November yet... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif