Need some feedback on this

I used my Dymo label maker to label the dash switches per the originals. What do you think?




Bill D


Gulf GT40
Lifetime Supporter
Bill -

Looks sort'a cool, but on the other hand looks out of place with some of the really nice work your doing, I don't think a lot of folks will get it except the GT40 crowd.

Are you going to use aluminum plates that wrap around the dash (for the switches) or just how it is?

What other options have you thougt of? I was thinking of engraving the wrap around aluminum plate that can go over the switch area (paint text white), but not sure how that would look. Also another idea that is somewhat old looking is the engraved plastic plates that can be stuck on like the Dymo labels.

Don't know if you have seen them, but someone had the small rings that went around the switches with either the title of the switch or the international symbols. May have seen them on a web site or sale, just can't remember which one it was. Either way if you find out who or what then maybe they can alter them to fit your needs. The demo stuff was used even on the road cars, but to me it was a shortcut that wasn't well thought out.

Thanks for the honest feedback guys. Although original looking, it just doesn't measure up. I'm also trying a modern label maker - a Casio EZ-Label Printer. Diane is out getting tape and when she returns, I'll make some labels, post some pictures, and ask for more feedback.

Bill D
No correct size tape could be found for Diane's printer, but I found some places that may be able to make thin (.020 or .040) engraved panels that can be formed to fit the curvature of my dash.

Here are some links


more placards
Bill if you can find sombody with a Brady labelizer it makes stick on labels in various colours mine are a black background with white letters. You can also vary the letter size. You could also try a sign writing company or one that makes decals or transfers.
RF054 Dash

Bill D,
This is a photo of dash in RF054, labels have been used extensively in the power/elctricity industry in the past 20 years correct terminology for them is "trafolyte labels" any good engraving shop can produce these for you.


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