Razor discontinued? Replacement coming?

Saw a guy in an Ariel Atom with a license plate Atom 3 yesterday. Thought about how much fun it would be to build up a Razor and beat it...

Is it coming back improved?


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Why wait, Ask Fran about the electric one thats done. I don't think he sold it yet. And that will scare the Atom. without need gas... or drum brakes!
Why would he do that? That would make it less AWESO... Ooooh you are being sarcastic. Gotcha. That's good right there...

In all seriousness, I talked to Fran about the Razor six months or so ago. He said it wasn't really a moneymaker overall, but helped to establish the Superlite (boy, I hate typing intentionally misspelled words) brand. At the time he was talking about redesigning it with an aluminum monococque or semi-monococque chassis.

Whatever shows up, my bet is it will be lighter, stiffer, and faster than the Razor Mk. I. That's how Mr. Hall appears to roll...

John ..."Superlite" is a brand so its not a mispelling

If the Razor comes back in any form it will also be more expensive...sorry guys.
<---- This guy will have his Razor for sale shortly. PM me if you're interested. I'll put a proper post in the for sale section soon. I just need to get some "current" pics of it.
I say take a heaping dose of BAC Mono and another heaping dose of the Lamborghini Egoista and maybe a pinch of the KTM Crossbow. Mix those in to whatever you have cooking for the revised Razor...