Russian F1 GP cancelled

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That's a crippling blow!


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Conflicting information, but it appears it's not quite canceled, the carefully worded press release said "it cannot proceed under the current circumstances" and as yet the promoter is not offering ticket refunds, insisting if the situation improved it could still go ahead. But I think the need to secure a replacement date coupled with potential low attendance and possibility some drivers won't race will seal it's fate anyway.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Ridiculous they went out of their way to kill 7 (?) people on a tactically and materially irrelevant island.

...not to mention the driver of the Russian armored vehicle who intentionally swerved into an oncoming lane of traffic to run over a civilian vehicle.

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
It made me sick when I watched the drivers shake Putin's hand during the last GP there. Time has to come for actions (like the women's tennis association) to be more common. Am disgusted that sporting sells it's soul to the devil for a measly buck.


I think the best outcome would be for his own people to take him out. If the Russians have any hope in living in this world and regaining any respect they must remove Putin by force.
Guenther Steiner and Haas sold their souls when they took oligarch money. Removing the Urakali name from your cars is not enough.
Beside that Mazepan is a crap driver with a rich daddy.
Looks like the soldiers on the island possibly are still alive? One source says they were taken prisoner. Hopefully that’s the case so at least there’s a chance they can go home at some point…whatever home they have left.


Are there no Russian patriots within Putin's inner circle who will remove him? The Russian people are going to suffer from his madness. It will probably require that patriot to sacrifice his own life but surely there must be someone who thinks it would be worth it.
I think putin's control and croneyism is so high that anyone who tries to take him out will be killed themselves. It's lose-lose for that inner circle, the stick with him and bring themselves, the country, and possibly the world down. or someone takes him out ald loses everything anyway. People have a lot of self-preservation instinct, and if they can kick the can down the road they often will do just that.


"A hundred and eighty were challenged to die
By a line he drew in the sand when the battle was nighe
Let a man who fight to the death cross over
But he would live better fly....
And over the line went a hundred seventy-nine."

"Remember The Alamo" by Tex Ritter
Think it wasn't until mid 1944 that the first serious attempt to assassinate Hitler at the Wolf's Lair took place by an inner circle of officers. Hitler survived several earlier attempts but seemed to have the 9 lives of a cat.

Putin, already paranoid, probably is taking every precaution to minimize his chances of assassination. Pictures of him sitting at the far end of a ridiculously long table away from his generals is probably more about having a security zone than any concern with covid.
...not to mention the driver of the Russian armored vehicle who intentionally swerved into an oncoming lane of traffic to run over a civilian vehicle.

that was a Ukranian tank from what i have been told, and it wasn't a swerve it lost control.


Think it wasn't until mid 1944 that the first serious attempt to assassinate Hitler at the Wolf's Lair took place by an inner circle of officers. Hitler survived several earlier attempts but seemed to have the 9 lives of a cat.

Putin, already paranoid, probably is taking every precaution to minimize his chances of assassination. Pictures of him sitting at the far end of a ridiculously long table away from his generals is probably more about having a security zone than any concern with covid.

A possiblely even better outcome would be for the Russian top military brass to mutiny and remove Putin.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
that was a Ukranian tank from what i have been told, and it wasn't a swerve it lost control.

I dunno, Ryan. If that had been the case, wouldn't the "Lamestream Media" (-Goldberg) have reported it by now?

The 'collision' was just too well timed/executed to have been 'accidental' IMHO. Besides, if a Ukrainian had been at the controls...wouldn't he have stopped to render assistance?
Cant recall anyone on the "Lamestream Media" praising Putin unlike other outlets . Long live Ukraine .Long live FREEDOM.
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