slc with ls 376 and grazziano

<end quote in-part>

NO's still “ELEVEN (11) MONTHS”!

If you would have read my post objectively, you would realize that my reference to 5 months in my closing paragraph was an expression of surprise that.... you seemed to imply that somehow 5 months would be an acceptable period of time to wait! The fact of the matter is that I waited 11 months for what should have been a complete Graziano on day of delivery! No exaggeration just plain fact! I also waited 7 months for a car that was promised and re-promised and etc., etc. to be delivered in 16 weeks and it still was not complete when delivered.

The waiting is only the tip of the ice berg, there are lots ant lots of other issues that I won't go into on a public forum. Unless of course you would like me to?


I really don't care what you do or don't do, except that it annoys me when people make stuff up to justify a weak position, like the 11 months thing.

Especially when they use really big fonts-- as if by shouting, more people would be persuaded.

As I recall, there is a provision in the sales agreement that says delivery can be delayed and some parts might be back-ordered. If you couldn't stand the idea, why did you agree to it? And having agreed to it in the first place, why make a public spectacle of yourself after the fact?

We can all see you are frustrated. Perhaps if you were a bit more flexible in life, you would enjoy it more.