UK Speeding offences - How to avoid prosecution

Charlie Farley

Found this info and thought to share it.
I cant vouch for its reliability, but thought it interesting enough to post here.
Any thoughts on its validity?

Tip 1: You are *MUCH* more likely to get 'let off' if you are pulled over for speeding
by a NORMAL Police officer (black hat, black uniform) than by a TRAFFIC officer
(white hat, green overcoat).

It's a traffic officer's JOB to catch you, where as it can be an inconvenience
for a normal Police officer to actually go through with prosecuting you. Also, it
is highly unlikely that a normal officer (as apposed to a Traffic officer) will
be able to make a case against you if you are armed with the information in this

If a Traffic officer has evidence against you (note: not necessarily ENOUGH
evidence for a conviction), then they will attempt to fine / prosecute you. The
situation with an ordinary Police officer is less clear cut. Often, if you are
particularly courteous and try to strike up a friendly banter with a Normal
officer, they will give you a 'slap on the wrist' and send you on your way.

It is extremely important to remember to distinguish between the two types so
that you are able to plan your attack. If you are pulled by a Traffic officer,
then do not concede anything otherwise this evidence will be recorded and damning.

Tip 2: All speed pacing police cars have to have their Speedo's measured and certified.
Typically, ONLY traffic police cars are calibrated, and the Speedo will have
increments of 1 mph. If you are stopped by a NON-traffic officer, and told that
he/she followed you, and you were speeding, simply ask as a matter of course when
his Speedo was last calibrated. *It is likely he will let you go* when you ask
this question since normal police (Beat) cars do not have certified Speedo's;
theirs is the same as yours and mine!


Not enough people who are 'caught' for speeding fight it in court, they simply accept it, get the points and pay the fine. If more than 10% fought the ticket, the judicial system dealing with this would be overwhelmed and brought down on its knees.

If in doubt, fight it! The worst thing that can happen is that you will be convicted of the original offence. You CAN get a heftier fine and more points in court, but unless you were doing silly speeds, it's very unlikely.

The first point to make is if you receive a ticket in the post, *DO NOT SIGN THE DECLARATION* because this is viewed as an admission of guilt. Rather, send the forms back with a signed covering letter. You should explain that none of the options presented on the form apply to you and you are therefore unable to sign it.

An excuse which has worked for many is to say that you have no idea who was driving the car - you are just sure it wasn't you because <insert reason>. It could have been any one of several friends or family members. Request the police send a photograph of the driver so that you can identify them to assist them with their enquiry.

They will most likely send a picture of the car from behind, unless you were caught on a Truvelo camera (a great way to protect against Truvelo's is by using PhotoBlocker spray, which doesn't allow static cameras to photograph your number plate! See this link

The Police will demand that you sign the form, but do not back down - politely explain why you can not sign the form (because none of the options available to sign apply to you). They will continue to demand that you sign, but legally, you have no obligation to do so - so don't!

Try to avoid being too sarcastic or pompous in your communications in case it does go to court (please be aware that it is likely to actually go to court but you are extremely likely to win the case). You will want the court to recognise that you are sincere and reasonable. They will throw the case out if the Police can not PROVE you were driving.
If you are stopped by a NON-traffic officer, and told that
he/she followed you, and you were speeding, simply ask as a matter of course when
his Speedo was last calibrated. *It is likely he will let you go* when you ask
this question since normal police (Beat) cars do not have certified Speedo's

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmmm - interesting idea - I suspect the police in my area are likely to take the 'hump' at me asking this so I would want to be sure my vehicle is 110% perfect in every detail before I tried it, as I think they'd be over the car with a magnifying glass given the chance..

I also remember a 'certain policeman' many moons ago, who took every chance possible to stop me when I had a motorbike. I had a distinctive crash helmet and I was stopped a total of 9 times in 12 months and never charged with anything! - I remember one particular time I was pulled over, (flashed + sirens from behind) that when I got off the REAR of the bike (pillion), the 'certain' policeman said 'oh, you're not alone, hmmm, well keep the speed down!' and off he went."

So better still - avoid being pulled in the 1st place if at all possible.

Charlie Farley

One wonders what he had instore for you, if you had been alone.
Totally agree with you about your first point, if you asked for a calibration certificate,
i can well see them trailering your car away for a full inspection.
I came across the contents of the first post, while investigating the effectiveness
of ECM against the cameras/radars used by the police in this country.
From what ive read, alot of these devices dont do all they claim.
Anyone out there any experience of using these devices?
This made me all warm and fuzzy /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif :-

Melrose Drive, Tullamarine, Victoria. January 16th 2006: 14.35 hours:

Highway patrol pulls over a Workcover Inspector for doing 68 in a 60 zone.

Workcover Inspector says nothing and cops the $120 fine sweet.

Policeman finishes writing ticket and proceeds back to his car ...

Workcover Inspector, in the meantime, gets digital camera out of bag, photographs the cop and proceeds to the police car where he issues the policeman with an $800.00 fine for not wearing his hi-visibility vest when leaving his vehicle in a high traffic area.

Now that's what I call justice!

Sent to me by a friendly mole. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif



Just bought one of these. All the usual features plus it has a "laser diffuser" upgrade facility. Heh heh /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif


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It's called a "Drivesmart" and comes in under £200. All software and camera database updates are free which was one of my considerations when deciding which one to purchase. It has some interesting features on top of the fairly generic GPS style camera warnings. From the unit alone, it detects all bands of laser gun. You can purchase as an extra option, a remote laser gun detector that sits beside your number plate or close to it (police aim their "weapons" here!) and there is also an optional extra to fit a "laser diffuser" a highly illegal but effective "reflector" of laser beams. Allegedly the "Defender" is the best on the market. Another in-built feature is the ability to monitor a SPECS deployment (not many will do this) giving you a constant average speed readout to keep you legal. It looks a bit like one of those taxi thingy's and is very well designed by "ex Formula 1 technicians" whatever that means. So far, it has worked excellently with no false alarms from shop door radars etc. You can also program your own points of interest into it etc etc. I drive professionally so cannot afford to get it wrong. It's cheap insurance really.

Look here: Drive Smart

Charlie Farley

A further tip i received:


If you are caught on a Radar gun, be sure to ask to have a look at the radar gun and check that the gun displays the speed that you were stopped for.

If it does not, of course, they have no case. Admittedly, this is a long shot but we have heard of cases where the reading has not actually registered on the gun, so I would be amiss not to mention it :)

Next, get the make, model and serial number of the radar gun. Ask the officer to demonstrate that the radar gun is calibrated (he will probably not do this).

If he refused to demonstrate, then it is reasonable to assume it is not calibrated. This is extremely powerful evidence. Any court will not regard self-diagnostics as accurate. Radar guns are calibrated with a pair of tuning forks, and ONLY this external test may be considered accurate.

If the officer refuses to demonstrate the calibration, ask him to prove that he has tuning forks in the car. He will probably not be too happy at this point, but do not let this deter you! He can't object, your requests are absolutely legitimate. If he doesn't, tell the judge (if it goes to court) because this suggests that that the gun is not calibrated. In this instance you will most likely be 'let off'.

If you were caught on a LIDAR (laser) gun, ask to have a look at the gun and check that it displays the speed that you were stopped for. Again, get the make, model and serial number of the laser unit and log these details.

Note the positioning of the unit in relation to the sun or any other bright red or white light. LIDAR uses infrared light and does not work as well when aimed into infrared light sources like the sun or high beam headlights. Ask when the unit was last calibrated. Ask to see a demonstration of the calibration. LIDAR guns are not tuned by forks (it is not public knowledge how they are calibrated).

Again, you should note the officer's responses to these requests for reference if it goes to court.

There are products on the market that are designed to automatically open your garage door using laser technology. A side effect of such devices is that they deflect laser signals from Police guns. They are known as 'Laser Jammers' or 'Laser Scramblers'
It is NOT illegal to install such a device on your car, so long as you are using it for the purpose of opening your garage door automatically.