What paint for inside bodywork.

What paint have you all used for inside of the bodywork i.e. wheelarches and around the inside of the front and rear clips ?
I did a search but can only fing headlight recess paint / bodywork.

For under the wheelarches, you really want to use some sort of rubber based finish/underseal.
This will stop stones making star cracks in your bodywork.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

I remember reading an article a few years back and it went into detail about this as someone had painted the inside wheel arches in a black rubberised / bituminised paint and the exterior a nice light colour in a couple of years the black had bled through and tinted the outside paint.

He was in the process of stripping everything out and starting again - cannot remember if he was replacing parts or removing the black paint.

Has this happened to anyone here - or has anyone heard of this happening? If so does anyone / any company prepare coloured rubberised underpody paint?


Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter

I remember reading an article a few years back and it went into detail about this as someone had painted the inside wheel arches in a black rubberised / bituminised paint and the exterior a nice light colour in a couple of years the black had bled through and tinted the outside paint.

He was in the process of stripping everything out and starting again - cannot remember if he was replacing parts or removing the black paint.

Has this happened to anyone here - or has anyone heard of this happening? If so does anyone / any company prepare coloured rubberised underbody paint?

Never heard of that happening here with Cobra's or GT40's. Been in the Cobra Club for 7 years and you would here if it had happened.

The one interesting thing, is if you don't coat underneath panels when body is out in the sun, the fibreglass is partially transparent and washes our the body colour that has been applied to it.

Our products here are just called Body Deadeners.

Ron McCall

I painted the engine bay,firewall and wheel splash panels of my Pantera with Duplicolor brand spray-in bed liner .The texture is nice ,it is unbelievably durable,absorbs sound ,very easy to apply,easy to fix and is unaffected by brake fluid or anything else you can spill on it .
This is what I will spray my underside with when I finally start my car.
Wirth makes a really nice material the call "Body Schutz", dries completely but remains flexible, has a textured finish, and is quite good at sound deading. I think the only requisite is that you may need to purchase the special gun that applies this material, but it then goes on smoothly.
The product that is used widely in all car manufacturing is called proofcoat, the best of the lot is by Glasuruit which is used on most Merc's and BMW. I think it finishes off the underside of the body perfectly.


Peter Delaney

GT40s Supporter
I used K&H "C Guard Water Base" chip & corrosion resistant coating. I think it an Oz product only, but it did the trick. It is really designed to be sprayed on & give that nice textured finish, but I just brushed it on & got great results - no textured finish, but it is quite good at self levelling so it is really hard to see any brush marks at all. Two coats was enough to provide a flexible surface which adds sound-deadening as well.

Regarding bitumen-based underbody sealers - just don't think about it ! The stuff does allow moisture to penetrate (as I have discovered under my '71 Vette - rotted out sections of glass to be replaced), it attracts & holds onto dirt like nothing else you have seen, and is a huge pain to remove later when you figure out that it wasn't a good idea ! I spent the first 2 months of my GT40 ownership removing this stuff from the front bay & engine bay - the previous owner had got as far as roughing in the engine & suspension, then decided on the bitumen paint. I tried every solvent known, & finally found that vast amounts of paint stripper, followed by gallons of turps worked best - absolutely horrible stuff !!

Kind Regards,

Peter D.
So it turns out a friend of mine has the spray machine and a source for the paint coating for the chipproof paint in the arches - so that's sorted.
What do you guys use under the centre of the front clip then - normal cellulose paint ? What primer ? And can you get this in aerosols ?