Another piece of the B.O. Win Puzzle!

We all know democrats cheat relentlessly. We know the press covers their cheating and that election officials cheat for the left during the elections and counting the ballots. Now we have the Census Bureau cheating for them.

"Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy.
And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.

Census ‘faked’ 2012 election jobs report | New York Post

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
It's now been revealed that in testimony before a federal judge, and regardless of Obama's claims to the contrary earlier yesterday, admin lawyers said the admin knew in October that faaaaaaaaaar more than "5%" of the people would have their health plans canceled. They KNEW it...and yet Obama is now spouting the new "5%" lie MONTHS after his prior INSISTANCE that everybody could keep their plans if they wished.

'Same thing was the case before Obamacare was passed. Obama/Reid/Pelosi/et al, SWORE UP AND DOWN that the mandatory Obamacare $$$ penalty provisions, etc., were NOT a tax, not a tax, NOT a tax...BUT, THE JUSTICE DEPT ARGUED IN THE SUPREME COURT THAT IT QUALIFIED AS SUCH. The court's ruling that Obamacare is in fact a tax is THEE reason it cited for the ACA being upheld.

So, the Obama 'liars legion' has been doing business since the very beginning...and it's even busier today.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Politicians telling lies......I can't believe that....Well yes I can, they even employ people
To help them do it effectively they are called "spin" doctors in Oz. And both sides of politics do it.
Bob's spin doctors do seem to be pretty inept however as he keeps getting caught out in his lies.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Republican Party Favorability Sinks to Record Low

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Republican Party is now viewed favorably by only 28% of Americans, down from 38% in September. This is the lowest favorable rating measured for either party since Gallup began asking this question in 1992.

The Democratic Party also has a public image problem -- although not on the same elephantine scale as that of the Republican Party -- with 43% viewing the Democratic Party favorably, down four percentage points from last month.

These findings come from a Gallup poll conducted Oct. 3-6.
More than six in 10 Americans (62%) now view the GOP unfavorably, a record high. By comparison, less than half of Americans view the Democratic Party unfavorably.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
And that negates anything I stated above HOW, exactly???????

But, 'you want stats? Okay. From HUFF POST POLITICS...'not even CLOSE to being a conservative outfit BTW:

"Obama's approval rating is down to 42 percent, with a record 55 percent disapproving -- down significantly from October, and slightly worse than his previous low point of 54 percent disapproval in late 2011.
Only a third of Americans approve of Obama's implementation of the new health care law, while 63 percent disapprove..."

If the general public were being told by the media what was actually going on and who was responsible, the GOP stats would be very different.
The reason the republican party has lost popularity is because they refuse to fund real Conservative candidates. Where else can they go if they betray their own base?

p.s. Republicans are the only ones who ever compromise, but get burned by democrats who never fulfill their end of the compromise. When is the last compromise we've seen from a democrat?

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
If the general public were being told by the media what was actually going on and who was responsible, the GOP stats would be very different.


The you may be right, but the majority of Americans have heard so many lies from the right, folks no longer believe anything the Consevatives say.

The right has thrown out so many lies and exagerations that actual failings of Obamas Administration are lost among the bullshit.

Conservatives have told us...................

Obama is not a citizen
Obama was born in Kenya
Obama is a Muslim
Obama will outlaw right wing broadcasters
Obama wants to turn this into a Mulim Country
Obama will enact Siria Law
Obama wants a ground zero Mosque
Obama wants to Nationalize the Auto Industry
Obama wants to Nationalize the Banking Industry
Obama caused the Gulf oil spill to end oil drilling
Obama fired all the US attorneys
Obama fired 200 Flag Officers
Obama wants Marines to wear girlie hats
Obama killed the childeren at Sandy Hook so he could take away your guns
Obama is to hire 16,000 new armed IRS agents
Obama personally funded the Islamic Museum with his own money

In a recent poll, 29% of republicans blamed Obama for the slow responce to Hurricane Katrina, which was three years before he took office!

Sorry Larry, you folks have screwed any chance that folks will believe anything the right says!
Last edited:

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Can you point out which of what you claim to be the GOP "lies" above will cost us over a trillion $$$ over the next 10 years like Obamacare will...or that resulted in the creation of a website that SO FAR has cost us 600+ million $$$ but didn't work?

Can you point out which supposed GOP "lie" you posted above resulted in MILLIONS of U.S. citizens loosing their medical insurance at a cost to them of God-knows-what?

YOU quoted bloggers and talking heads 'far as I can tell. I quoted GOVT OFFICIALS knowingly making false statements in an official capacity.

Apples and ox carts.

(And DO NOT go back to the old song about "Bush lied and people died". As has been pointed out a thousand times, every international investigative commission that looked into that charge refuted it.

End of comments.


Lifetime Supporter

The you may be right, but the majority of Americans have heard so many lies from the right, folks no longer believe anything the Consevatives say.

The right has thrown out so many lies and exagerations that actual failings of Obamas Administration are lost among the bullshit.

Conservatives have told us...................

Obama is may not a citizen
Obama was possibly born in Kenya
Obama was a Muslim
Obama will outlaw right wing broadcasters if he could
Obama wants to turn this into a Muslim Country, no socialist if he could
Obama will enact Siria Law We did not.
Obama wants a ground zero Mosque supports a GZM.
Obama wants to Nationalize the Auto Industry tried to. Ask all the bond holders that he stiffed when they literaly gave GM to the Unions
Obama wants to Nationalize the Banking Industry again no.
Obama used the Gulf oil spill to end oil drilling in the Gulf
Obama fired all the US attorneys yeah right.
Obama fired 200 Flag Officers forced to retire more to the point
Obama wants Marines to wear girlie hats He does?
Obama tried to use the killed childeren at Sandy Hook so he could take away your guns
Obama is to hire 16,000 new armed IRS agents The IRS had a banner year of income and notoriety.
Obama personally funded the Islamic Museum with his own money A democrat actually using their own money to subsidize, please

In a recent poll, 29% of republicans blamed Obama for the slow response to Hurricane Katrina, which was three years before he took office! Have you been to Mississippi or Louisiana where the problem is. The pollsters probably were thinking more about the Hurricane on the East Coast which is also slow to respond.

Sorry Larry, you folks have screwed any chance that folks will believe anything the right says!

Blatent lies by the Left.
Obama did not lie, he just didn't know.
The IRS is fair and impartial.
Foodstamp program is the way to build the economy.
Sign it and then you will see whats in it. (ACA)

Truths of the right.
Obama has played over 150 rounds of golf, more than any president sitting in office. (At 4 hours per round that works out to him wasting 600 hours of being presidential)
Obama is a smoker, and is taking smoke breaks again wasting hours of being president.
Obama has taken more vacation time during his tenure than any other president in modern history.
If the IRS takes in 3+ trillion in taxes, why is the deficit still going up. I bet you can't spend money like the government does.
If the right to bear arms only for militia purposes, how are you going to get your Turkey? Oh yeah at the supermarket. Too bad they did not have them when the constitution was written.
How perfect is it that your Press Secretary is named appropriately Carny. Its a circus in DC.
Good thing we have News organizations that truly and accurately provide the people of the US and the world with unbiased news. Oh wait how many journalists and editors have been hired by the White House?

Over to you Jim for more Political Polls.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Like I said, all those rediculous attacks have caused most of America to lump all anti Obama articles as rediculous. Even the true ones. They have done it to themselves, people have stopped listening.

Have you heard the one about the boy who cried Liberal?


Lifetime Supporter
And now what country is the most powerful on earth?
Did you like how Jimmy Carter ran the ship? Sky high inflation, high unemployment, and of course Billy Beer. People are listening. They are fed up with the BS from both sides. They just don't have anywhere to hide when the head moron pulls a bone head move to push us to gov healthcare. That is why you will see a mass exodus from the doctors. You can't make them take care of you if they leave the business. And who will replace them. Young inexperienced, brainwashed and naive where the govt will mandate the pay to the point of pathetic treatment, drugs that kill, and loans that these students will never be able to pay back based on the push for foodstamp style healthcare. Migraine? take two asprin and die. Next patient please.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
That is why you will see a mass exodus from the doctors.

1/3rd of the heart specialists in wifey's cardiology office have already announced their retirement directly due to their refusal to deal with Obamacare. 'FACT.

You lefties can spin, parse, nuance, duck, dodge and deflect all you want - the TRUTH is doctors are completely fed up.

So, tell me...FROM WHERE are the docs gunna come to replace all those who are leaving???? And WHAT are their qualifications?


Lifetime Supporter
So pull your own teeth, learn how to suture and read WebMD only no one to prescribe medication, like they want us alive. Death taxes are murder.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Truths of the right.
Obama has taken more vacation time during his tenure than any other president in modern history.


This is exactly why no one believes anything bad that is said about Obama.......

Most of the anti Obama stuff is just not true! Marc you may want to stop confusing the "Conservative Entertainment Complex" with actual News/facts.

This is from USA Today 08/09/2013;

At the same point in GW Bush's presidency, the 43rd president had spent 367 days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and his parent's compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, according to a count by CBS News reporter Mark Knoller. Obama, who doesn't own a vacation home, has spent a total of 92 days of his presidency on vacation said Knoller.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Obama has played over 150 rounds of golf, more than any president sitting in office.


Your "Truths of the right" statment is a bunch of bullshit!

So Obama has gone crazy and played more golf than any President "150" rounds!

My God Marc thats 2.5 times a month, the insanity!!!!


Golf World said that Eisenhouer played over 800 rounds of golf while in office, he even had a putting green installed on the South Lawn.

It appears the words "truth and Right" just do not go together.


Lifetime Supporter
Yah got me on that one. I was pulling that out of my shorts. Anymore you want to discuss? One only. So when only one thing that is not factual the rest is just BS.


Lifetime Supporter
Thats more than 135 times more than I have had time for. Not to mention the dozens of Secret Service that need to be out there. I wonder if they clear the course just so no other golfers hit into him. Eisenhower was avid golfer I give you that. Thats two. Keep fact checking, see if you find any more of my LIES.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Yah got me on that one. I was pulling that out of my shorts. Anymore you want to discuss? One only. So when only one thing that is not factual the rest is just BS.

Gee Marc, I see at least two things that are not "factual", The Golf and the Vacations.........

But you saying its only "one" actually makes it........three:)