P4 Questions


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Not many of you guys are showing or talking about the P4's built or in progress. I know y'all like the American cars. I like them too. But unfortunately (or fortunately), I have a different color blood or march to a different band or ...

Any way I have some questions for you Italian heads.

1. What engines have you installed or planning to? I live in the Republik of Kalifornia and you know they are from a different planet. In addition did you consider engine weight in your decisions.

2. What wheel sizes did you go with. I would like to use the Can Am spec wheels, 10 in front 14 in rear. I hope to do A LOT of track based driving (racing). Also would like to know from you racers, with track experience regarding the widths and the issues with them, LSDs/Transaxle/half shafts.

3. Due to my experience with a Kit, cooling is a big concern for driver, engine brakes and transaxle. to keep each alive would the standard radiator suffice for engine. Cooling for the driver ducts are part of the kit or configuration. I have not decided on an enclosed cockpit or not yet.

4. Transaxle that I want to use would be a dogring sequential, but I will most likely have to use the 930 on cost issues. another possible requirement will be an "gulp" automatic based on business partner (wife) wishing to drive. Any ideas here guys? And no, I will not dissolve the partnership, etc, etc.

Thanks for your ideas and feed back

Marc MadMax Blum
The P4 is one of my all time favourite designs, and would love to own a replica one day....a two car garage with a P4 and GT40 side by side..:)

I think that, but i'm not 100% sure, nobody is building a P4 yet...but could be wrong.

Would love to see a build site..

A guy, Lee Noble, built the first P4 kit and took the body mould from a real P4. He sold the company to NF Auto:
N F Auto Development & Car Builder Solutions. Kit Car, Kit Car Parts, Ferrari P4 replica specialists
The kit project is now for sale.

A P4 kit was sold with a Ferrari engine, and it must be neat !!!

Like Italo, I am a P4 fan.

Just a question: Anyone running a big old motor with lots of power (450+) has to deal with the heat problem. I suspect that Fran's car does a good job of removing the heat from the engine.
I have not ridden in one of these lovely vehicles in the Republik of Kalifornia. Perhaps some of the experts can enlighten us. Fran offers AC as an option.

We have done a few P4's...in fact one in Carbon fibre will be shipped to its new owner very soon.....two more underway with V12 Ferrari engines
Can we see pics of any of these? Would the owners allow it? The V12 installation would be nice to have a look at. What kind of trannys are they hooking up to theve V12s?

Little Brother to the Big Ferrari -
Sorry Rob...
no pics one owner has asked not to have pics shown and the other is very early in the build phase.
We have fabricated one bellhousing as a pattern and are now considering casting a bellhousing specifically for the 365/400i engine family.
This is using the ZF 25/2 transaxle.
quella di Jim è proprio bella, si, bellissima direi. E credo che anche Jim lo sappia bene.
E direi che la sua p4 è molto più bella della sua p5, e spero che lui non capisca questa frase:)

:D ..its just my italian soul that has Ferrari SO MUCH inside heart that can become as something religious.
As many knows here...own a Ferrari is to own something pubblic. U just save her,and have to show to others,for the beauty, possibly driving slowly.

I love all Fran works, but the ones I really love and think affordable and possible are only Gt40s and Cobras,maybe cause I love the american engines.

Dunno...replicate a Ferrari for me is as make a replica of my mom...really.
Simply is my small brain that prefer other cars.

Ferrari is Ferrari,even more for an italiano:)
quella di Jim è proprio bella, si, bellissima direi. E credo che anche Jim lo sappia bene.
E direi che la sua p4 è molto più bella della sua p5, e spero che lui non capisca questa frase:)

:D ..its just my italian soul that has Ferrari SO MUCH inside heart that can become as something religious.
As many knows here...own a Ferrari is to own something pubblic. U just save her,and have to show to others,for the beauty, possibly driving slowly.

I love all Fran works, but the ones I really love and think affordable and possible are only Gt40s and Cobras,maybe cause I love the american engines.

Dunno...replicate a Ferrari for me is as make a replica of my mom...really.
Simply is my small brain that prefer other cars.

Ferrari is Ferrari,even more for an italiano:)

One for you...


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Yes. Historic Targa Florio 2006. This year I'll be there with P 4/5.


I will be there too, so looking forward to seeing the P4/5 in real life.

Are you showing the P4/5 at Villa D'Este this year?, I'm planning to be at both events this year, so hoping to see and meet you there....



Lifetime Supporter
Fran I will try and call today.

Paolo, sorry man, when the real ones are 1. millions of bucks, 2. so rare you are afraid to drive let alone race. 3. In the racers mind, build it better, then this is the way to go. Dude, don't make love to a car, drive it like you stole it, you know like that first kiss (OF A GIRL). I love Fer...
s, they are like liberal extremeist, its their way or they kill you. not to mention the Tifosi, put on aftermarket item on your car and they just come unglued. I would love to see a pimped up f car neon and big wings and a frt can exhaust just to watch their reaction.
Fran I will try and call today.

Paolo, sorry man, when the real ones are 1. millions of bucks, 2. so rare you are afraid to drive let alone race. 3. In the racers mind, build it better, then this is the way to go. Dude, don't make love to a car, drive it like you stole it, you know like that first kiss (OF A GIRL). I love Fer...
s, they are like liberal extremeist, its their way or they kill you. not to mention the Tifosi, put on aftermarket item on your car and they just come unglued. I would love to see a pimped up f car neon and big wings and a frt can exhaust just to watch their reaction.

:D ,yes u right Marc, absolutely.
Its just me preferring Cobras and Gt40s,even more trying to put some nice ones down here in pizzaland, also because the history of the real 40s and cobras are so near to replicas history and develope(think modern cobras and GT40 re MUCH more better as cars than 60s originals)
It is deeply the opposite for the reds.Almost surely u wellknown down here we have the greatest(and well hided also if so wellknown) producers of Ferrari replicas (same hands producing the maranellos toys during days...doing the same at home, during nights).
Such garages are often 200 meters from factory.
And too often those cars are nice as the "officials"..or even better.

I am so happy Fran can do his wonderful pieces in a coutry where he can do that.
Since many years Ferrari has declared a REAL war to red replica market..and I am living that..also over the models I sell everyday.
Believe me my friend, i've seen people arrested during expos cause they are not selling "official" model cars:confused: .
Also TV news made a special over that..and we are just talking of 1/43 scale resin or white metal kits.
Down here will be a mess for everybody,because its part of OUR history, and one of the few matters where Italy can be proud of what we are able to do and appreciated worldwide.
More..it features the "cavallino rampante",that was owned by Francesco Baracca,symbol of a fighter pilot, gifted my his mom to crazy joung Enzo,and that cavallino is part of our airforce too (quarto stormo)
Marc,I only hope u can visit Maranello region, drink our wines, eat our food, feel our smells and colors, and THEN...look at what is Ferrari down there.
And is one of the very very few car producer not falling down as the greatest ones of the past,always trying to survive as better as they can (Lotus...who owns that?BOH..tyrrell..brabham, march..lola..etc all names gone.)
This is the last one surviving,and also there,only for other italians volountee(Fiat coffin factory)

Please Fran,really hope u dont misunderstand me in this debate:)

Will be too cool to listen Jim's tales about his running around the streets down here,will not be surprised (and probably also he wellknows) if also Police stop him ..just to see the car and to make questions.

Thats also right with some ferrari I have a sort of "herotic problem" (the back of the GTOs overall...OMG;) , and is the same problem I have to cobras and gt40s..).
Unfortunately for me I can never be as gumball racers, destroyng ferraris and running away listening musicrockonsmile .
I simply LOVE some (very few) cars.

P.s: the pimped red u are waiting is in alive Valentino Rossi town (Tavullia).
Its is (probably) owned by the "Bar-tabacchi-cigarettes" guy of that small village.
It is a F355 cambiocorsa with a giant carbon fiber rear wing, incredible BBS fast and furious wheels, repainted in schmacher formula one bright red,and also has blue neon under the car.
The exhaust makes one meter flame...
Be sure when I will be there I will take some pictures of that....and believe it or not...its a wonderful-UGLY fast and furious tuning:D :D :D