Arnage dans la course


For the Le Mans 24 hours week a number of meetings and shows are now being organised. One such event is the meeting at Arnage. This will take place on the Thursday 11th June 2015. I will be marshalling for the practise of the 24 hours on that day, so will not be able to take my GT40.

The organiser, who also does a lot of work for the Parade des Pilotes, on the Friday, is looking for various classic cars to take part, including GT40's.

If you would like to take part, please download the attached pdf's for further info, and application form. If anyone requires any assistance with the translation, please let me know, and I will do my best !!




  • Document P1.pdf
    178.1 KB · Views: 374
  • Document P2.pdf
    151.1 KB · Views: 383
Hi Fred

I've presumed its in the town/village of Arnage, but it doesn't exactly say where. The chap is organising it on behalf of the Mairie of Arnage, so again this leads me to believe its in Arnage. Would you like to email the guy who's organising it, or do you want me to ?

Given the size of Arnage, which is not that big, I would have thought you could just drive down the main street and find it, or ask someone.

