Hello hello

Hey folks. How's everybody doing? I just wanted to introduce myself to everybody.

A little backstory first. I inherited my love of GT40's from my father. I'm only 31 years old, so I'm a little young to have seen these beautiful machines in person or know about their exploits. However, my father LOVES the GT40. It's his dream car, the car of his childhood and that he has scribbled all over his high school notebook. I frankly found it surprising that a self avowed NASCAR fanatic and old school hot rodder would get dreamy eyed at an exotic road racing machine. But it's because of him that I learned about the GT40, and how it took it to Ferrari and won.

Long story short....the GT40 (and to a lesser extent the new Ford GT), has become my dream car. So with that in mind, my dream is to purchase a kit car that both my father and I can work on together, and frankly I can't wait.

I've been thinking about this a long time, and I've already started the process. Thanks to my dad the hot rodder, I'll be able to acquire two 1969 351 Windsor blocks. One will be going into my 1996 Mustang Fastback, but the other will be the foundation to what I hope will be an ERA GT40.

Anyways, I'll probably be a pest on this board in the years to come as my dream comes together. And thanks to my new career as a Ford salesman, that dream will start coming together soon.

Thanks for your time.
