Hi All

Hello everyone.

I thought I should finally introduce myself after lurking on here for quite a few years :). My names Jayson and I live in Bristol UK. I'm a massive fan of 60's/70's sportscars (Especially 40's) and after about 17 years of dreaming I finally paid a deposit to GTForte last month for a kit! :). I'm a complete novice to all this so I may be asking some stupid questions over the next few years.
I would like to say a big thanks to David (Fastdruid) for taking the time to answer all my questions regarding his GTForte build, his build log was the one which finally gave me the nudge to go for it! Cheers Dave, thanks alot mate!

I will be setting up a build log when I take delivery of the kit.
Got my first piece of kit delivered at the weekend, I wont be needing it for a few years though! Damn bargains on Ebay :p!


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Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
Welcome Jayson. Really...there are no stupid questions here, as we've all, at one time or another, been there already (and some like me are still there).
Hi Jayson, as a fellow West countryman (sort of) I welcome you too. If that is one of "them there" gearboxes I saw on ebay I can see why you bought it. Might be a while before you get round to fitting it as you say, still these oily bits make quite good furniture while you wait to get that far, how about a coffee table as per the top gear V8 block? If you run out of inspiration anytime catch a train or drive down to Torquay and I'll take you for a spin on the coast road to re-inspire you! Mine's an MDA but I'm sure it will get the creative juices flowing again. looking forward to seeing some of those build photos.
Thanks guys. Such a great forum this, of allthe forums Ive ever been on I dont think Ive seen one with such cameraderie and withso many people willing to help others. Here's to you all :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Cheers Chris, I may have take you up on that. Ive not so much as sat in a GT40 yet!
Hi Jayson

Sounds like you're in the same boat as me! I've been inspired by David's build too and have ordered the body from GTS. (I plan to build the chassis as per GTS plans)

Is that an 01E gearbox under there? Have you thought about what you're going to connect it to yet?!

Hi Harvs

Congrats on the body purchase

Its a O1E from a 1998 A6 2.5TDI. Not going to need it for a long time but it seemed such a reasonable price I couldnt help myself :).

My intention at the moment is to put a 302 Ford in the car giving out aproximately 350hp.
Jayson, if you have not even sat in one yet then I suggest you do so - soon! If you are not over 5'10" you would have no trouble in mine as it's set up for me and I'm a shorta$%e at 5'8". However if you are taller than that then you may need to try some one else's car. Good luck with the build