Is the right to bear arms outdated.


Alright guy's. Enough.
Jim is really a fine gentleman that strongly voices his opinion. I do respect his right to do so. I also strongly disagree with his views, however, I for one will not be upset by his postings. Personal attacks resolve nothing.


I too disagree with Jim's views. I also respect his right to voice them and never said he shouldn't. In fact, I'd defend free speech with my life. I am, however, quoting him when I refer to his expression that "liberals are generally smarter". It therefore can't be a personal attack. Should've used the "insert sarcasm here" button though.

Also, while I'm not a punctuation/spelling Nazi, I am from Minnisota...

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
It is a damn poor mind indeed which can't think of at least two ways to spell any word. Andrew Jackson, noted Dyslexic;)

Actually, though the exact wording of the quote varies a bit depending on the source used, it was Mark Twain who said:

"I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way."

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
My wifes family is also from Minnesota, not only can I misspell MN, I can misspell almost anything with more than one letter, I misspell my wifes name regularly.
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I also misspell my wife's name, but we're divorced and "shit for brains' isn't even close to the original spelling.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Actually, though the exact wording of the quote varies a bit depending on the source used, it was Mark Twain who said:

"I have no respect for a man who can spell a word only one way."

Larry, Mr Twain was also blessed with Dyslexia...........and a good editer;)

Even with all the problems I had in school, Dyslexia is still an incredable blessing!

Sorry for the large type, I cut and pasted it.

Dyslexic How to Spell Success
Mark Twain wrote" Any one who can't spell the same word 5 different ways has no imagination. He was Dyslexic, but so was Einstine.
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Larry, Mr Twain was also blessed with Dyslexia...........and a good editer;)

No kidding? I'll be darned. I had no idea Mr. Clemens was dyslexic! 'Learn something new every day - and from the darnedest sources, too! :D:thumbsup:

(How the devil do you suppose anyone would even know that about someone who lived back then? I know the condition was 1st 'discovered' in 1888-1890 or somewhere in there, but still...
The most common sign of the 'condition' is supposedly a level of writing that doesn’t match the person's intelligence and/or substituting similar [but obviously unrelated] words in their writing [my youngest daughter does that]. Mark Twain sure didn't exibit either of those symptoms to my knowledge. 'Very ODD!) (You mentioned you're dyslexic, but, I've not noticed the latter trait in your posts...but then, I'm a bit dyslexic myself, so maybe I wouldn't! I'll pay more attention from here on out and see if I 'catch you' at it!:D)

Even with all the problems I had in school, Dyslexia is still an incredable blessing!

Both my daughters are dyslexic to some degree...the youngest being a bit more so. Still, they both graduated with honors, so I guess they learned to compensate pretty well!

(Jay Leno is dyslexic too, and I think he's done alright for himself!)
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Larry, Dyslexics tend to be very sucessful in a somewhat limited scope, we tend to be big picture people.

They can easily tell, who has Dyslexia, just look at Andrew Jackson's, Eddison's, Twain's or Churchills early writings..............

There are varieing levels of dyslexia, additionally today, it seems that most people think they have it, but quite frankly no one with Dyslexia EVER graduated with honors.

Typically their experiance is more like mine. Some things I am very good at, verbally, critical thinking, big picture thinking and seeing how situations will play out, we do very well. Being in the right place at the right time and making the right investments seems to come naturally.

On the down side, I cant spell, Duh! I can't do math, I can't tell you what 7x8 is. I can't remember the alphabet (dictionaries are a waste of time). But the biggest problem for me on a daily basis, I cant remember peoples names! I cant remember my neighbors names, I can't remember my work related peoples names and I can't remember my friends names. Even today, If I need to remember more than one thing, I need to write them down.

Typically Dyslexics have a horrable school experiance! Just imagine not remembering your teacher, your friends (what few you have) or classmated names, not being able to read, do math or spell anything.

I was always put in the "slow" class and finally I flunked the fourth grade! I was always considered dumb. But we are not dumb, Einstine also flunked the fourth grade, his teacher thought he was retarded, same with Eddison, same with Churchill, same with Jackie Stewart.

But then in some things I was very very good, for some reason History, Art and Geometrey came easily to me.

One other thing, they were always trying to we figure out what was wrong with me, I got alot of IQ tests, and always did very, very well.

Then I would hear, your smart, you are just "lazy", you could do this stuff if you just tried, Well believe me no one wants to be in that position, no one wants to be considered different, stupid or dumb, I tried very, very hard. Trying hard does not help!

I finished High school with a D average (A's in History, Art and PE got me through). Then just around the time I entered Junior College, they realized what the problem was, I got special help and even though I have two degrees, I never took one math class, one language class or one English Class (outside of English 1A, which I took three times). Finally they felt sorry for me and passed me on.

Jackie Stewart tells the story of when he was being Knighted, he was petrified, because the Queen had given him a dog and he could not remember its name, plus he knew thay would play God Save the Queen and he could not remember the words.

Just Google "Famous people with Dyslexia" you will be supprised, growing up Dyslexic was awful, but in the end, it is a blessing and I have been very successful. I married the smartest, most attractive lady I ever met and live on 15 acres in the Silicon Valley!

Life is good!
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Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
There are varieing levels of dyslexia...

Agreed. And that's why I disagree with this stmt:

quite frankly NO ONE with Dyslexia EVER graduated with honors.

As I mentioned B4, both my daughters are dyslexic. So, while I think your stmt above may in fact apply to 'top self' dyslexics(?), it doesn't apply to all.

But then in some things I was very very good, for some reason History, Art and Geometrey came easily to me. falling off a log for me too. And, similar to you, spelling and remembering names have a-l-w-a-y-s been a PITB for me. ESPECIALLY remembering names. 'Disgusting.

Uuuuuuuuuh...who are you again...?


Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
So, while I think your stmt above may in fact apply to 'top self' dyslexics(?), it doesn't apply to all.

The above is a quick example of what I'm referring to in my own case. I sometimes don't catch missing letters when typing/proofreading. I just flat out don't see the omission ("top SELF" vs. "top SHELF"). I see only what I intended to type/write. Usually I catch this kinda stuff, but not always.

Of course, if I could just learn to hit each darn keystroke hard enough to print each letter.........:squint: