New Ford GT Application Process

Here you go boys!

Ford Performance is excited to announce that customers hoping to own one of the all-new Ford GT ultra-high-performance supercars can officially submit their applications tomorrow, 4/13/2016, at

The limited production of the all-new Ford GT inspired Ford Performance to create a unique, customer-focused experience to help select potential owners for the new supercar. Approved applicants will work with the new Ford GT Concierge Service for a personalized purchase experience.

• Applications for the all-new Ford GT supercar may be submitted starting Wednesday, April 13, for the first two years of production, via website
• Limited production inspired a unique, customer-focused purchase experience open to all; application process to help identify potential Ford GT owners who will celebrate Ford brand
• All-new Ford GT Concierge Service to launch for personalized purchase experience

How will Ford GTs be allocated to customers? Ford GTs will be allocated through a unique, web-based customer application process, which can be found at

What role do Ford dealers play in this process? When applying for the opportunity to purchase a Ford GT, applicants will be asked to identify their preferred Ford dealership. Applicants who are approved for the Ford GT ultimately will complete their purchase with the dealer, supported by the Ford GT Concierge Program.

How will customers be chosen from the many that will apply? Ford will choose from the pool of submitted applications to determine which applicants will receive the opportunity to purchase a Ford GT. Consideration will be given to a variety of factors, including loyal Ford customers and current Ford GT owners.

What will be the criteria for getting selected to purchase the Ford GT? The application process serves to evaluate and select potential customers from a pool of candidates. Consideration will be given to a variety of factors, including loyal Ford customers and current Ford GT owners.

If an application is accepted, when can the customer order a car? Customers will be notified when their application has been accepted, and they will be kept in close contact regarding all details of the ordering process through the Ford GT Concierge Service.

When do you start accepting applications? How long will the Ford GT application window open?
Applications can be submitted on starting from April 13. The application process will be open through May 12 at 11:59 p.m. EDT to allow applicants time to complete the required online forms.
Looks like a reasonable process....with likely a decent chance of ownership for anyone who can afford...and isn't under the age of 21....

If it was Ferrari it would be "by invitation only" or some similar snotty, elitist and highly annoying process. Can't stand that stuff, that's why I sold my f-cars.

Way to go Ford
I put mine in as well. Not that I can afford the car or expect to be chosen. Honestly, I just really want to see the rejection letter!

"Thank you for your interest, however your submission does not meet our requirements at this time" like the publishers send out.

I hope the first person to get rejected will post here.

However the form DID take a GT40PXXXX VIN so it does not automatically reject a non-WMI, non 17 digit VIN allowing Mike to use his SPF as well as his former Ford GT.

I wonder if my building a 1971 Trans Am under two liter Pinto will gain me points? Ex Ford dealer get me any skin?

"Please list any races won and licenses held" I would love to see Dan Gurney apply and see what they say! He does/did have an 05 GT.
I had to go with the mercy approach , I said I didn't own a race time I didn't race cars I just love ford. my first car was a 1973 that did run and was given to me by my friends mother that I fixed and drove for a few years. I do have a 2010 Shelby now and a 1969 mustang and a GTD 40 and we have some Lincoln navigators for work. I told my partner to apply he is a billionaire who owned an F 1 team has a 2005 GT and is in the public eye. who will get one first me or him?


Lifetime Supporter
Wayne, you should reach out to Dave B. He runs the GT forum and his dad is an ex Ford guy. He can pull strings for you.
app set up
for ex gt owners
no place to even tell them about my 2 gt-40's or 5-427 orig cobras!

Where you enter the VINs it WILL take a non WMI, non 17 digit vin. I put in GT40P1116 and 2171 and they took but you need to describe the cars as they will not auto decode. I don't have either car anymore but did not ever expect to be selected, just wanted to see the process.

And if I was selected, it would be somewhat embarrassing to explain that I am currently impoverished.

I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Ford GT today"
Yeh when I asked who do you think will get the cars. The person with all the racing and media exposer or the average guy who wants the car. I just hope they let a few of regular guys have one.


Lifetime Supporter
Not sure how many average guys can stroke a $450K check but be assured it will be a select group that are part of the clique and not just anyone who wants one.

Larry L.

Lifetime Supporter
Not sure how many average guys can stroke a $450K check...

'Latest word is that check will likely be closer to $500K if not slightly more after "options", taxes, etc....but, you're dead on regarding "the clique". There's no question at all about that, IMHO.

In that one regard, Ford has now become what it hates most (or used to): Ferrari.
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One thing about the wealthy (and lets make no mistake....anyone able to throw 500K at a car is wealthy IMHO) they usually bore quickly of things until the next great car boat, house, jet, etc. comes along and they sell on their new toy that's rarely been played with. Then the "average joe" has an opportunity (although still not a cheap one) to obtain one of his/her life long dreams. Its been the way of things for years and years so patience in this instance may be a virtue.


Lifetime Supporter
Oh they will be available to anyone that wants one provided you can pay the premium that will be placed on them by those that are "selected" for initial ownership opportunities. They will pop up the next day for $1mil + for the average joe that truly loves and desires the car.
Oh they will be available to anyone that wants one provided you can pay the premium that will be placed on them by those that are "selected" for initial ownership opportunities. They will pop up the next day for $1mil + for the average joe that truly loves and desires the car.


There is "right of first refusal" and non-resale clause in the GT buyers contract. A Ford dealer who purchases the car must retain it for two years so don't expect to see them clogging up the lane at Barrett-Jackson soon.
My wife said I can have one but sell the other toys. I would agree your not average if you can get one but I am more average than not. All the talk will be over soon , the apps close May 15 th I think then it's 90 days and the cars will be spoken for. Then the fun will begin. I hope some on this forum will get picked and post the procedure as it goes with lots of pics. Side note the cars are being built right near me.i am trying to get in and see the place.
open letter to William Ford/Raj Nair
why not I have nothing to loose!
April 14, 2016ffice:eek:ffice" /><?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" /><o:p></o:p>
Mr. William Clay Ford<o:p></o:p>
Mr. Raj Nair<o:p></o:p>
1 American road<o:p></o:p>
Dearborn, Mi. 48126<o:p></o:p>
Dear Sirs:<o:p></o:p>
I’m writing to you regarding the Ford Gt application process. I’m 71 years old but young at heart.<o:p></o:p>
My first exotic purchased was in 1973, a Ford Gt-40 #1009 that I purchased in England. I shipped it to California and it was my daily driver for 1 year. I also restored #1012 which was a total wreck.<o:p></o:p>
I’ve owned 5 Original 427 Cobras, a Mustang Boss 302 purchased new, as well as other Ford vehicles. <o:p></o:p>
This information is verifiable in the Cobra registry. I’m telling you this because the Ford GT application does not allow for consideration of this history.<o:p></o:p>
I tried twice to buy a 2005 GT, but dealers at the last minute raised the price to $10,000 over MSRP so as a matter of principle, I passed. I know that given the application focus on the GT, I would have a snowball’s chance of getting one. In any event, I will submit the application, but would hope that anyone reviewing it would consider these past purchases. After all, we are celebrating the 50<SUP>th</SUP> anniversary of the car that made this possible!<o:p></o:p>
If I’m lucky enough to get one I’ll enter it in the Silver State Classic race. I’ve run this race 6 times, averaging 151.62 mph in 2014 in a McLaren Mp4 12C.<o:p></o:p>
The Gt-40 was my first exotic…. I’d love to have the Ford GT be my last exotic.<o:p></o:p>
Wayne J. Skiles