New Member checking in.

Hi all,

I thought I'd say Hi and thumbs up on a great forum. I've been a non active member since 2007 and recently purchased the Venom kit from ebay that people were discussing in another thread. At the moment my wife and I are expecting our first baby in late November and that will keep us fairly busy for a while. I'm still hoping to spend the next few months extending my garage and getting a few other projects finished up before moving on to attacking the GT40 project.

I purchased the kit mostly for the bodywork and to get some ideas regarding the chassis. Though the chassis is apparrently based off some other reputable manufacturers products I will probably not end up using it and would prefer to produce my own incorporating my own ideas. I'll be sure to start a build thread and keep it updated once I get underway. Until then I'll be lurking around on here and doing plenty of research for my build. Hopefully I'll be underway in early 2012.

Regards Ben.
Welcome Ben. Suggest you get hold of a book on suspension geometry, as you can't set up new suspension geometry correctly without a bit of knowledge of the correct compromises in the movement of it all, roll centres, camber change, bump steer, etc.. This then feeds into the chassis design, with its suspension pick-up points. Just my 2 c worth.
Thanks guys. Yeah for sure, I'll have to drag my Carroll Smith books out along with a few other titles I have on the bookshelf and have a re-read before I set out on the project. There is some great looking builds on this forum so I will spend some more time looking and gathering ideas on here before I start putting some time in to modelling up my chassis/suspension on Inventor. I've wanted to have a go at building a GT40 for quite a while so I'm looking forward to actually making a start on the project.

Regards Ben.