RCR GT40 Cinderella in France

I introduce myself, I am 65, retired, I live in east side of France close to Dijon. I am familliar with old Ford, I have sevral models like a 68 F250, a Mustang and a 63 1/2 Galaxie with a 427 65 Tunnel Port that I drive on track days. But since the Le Mans adventure in 65, I was dreaming of a GT40. I finally got one. The car is a RCR MK1 of 2008 initially built by a gentleman Thomas Rider, that was active on this forum I believe. The car was stored unfinish since a long time in UK and I purchased it from a vendor.
I have a lot of cleaning or cosmetic work to do, plus to finish the assembly of glass an a numerous of small things. A lot of bolts or steel parts need to be coated against rust. The car is equiped with a fantastic engine, a DART block 502 strocked to 347 and described in the book Fast Ford & Mustang of 2006. The gear box is a ZF.
I will give you more info after I will forecast all the rework or work that need to done.
The car was never painted, the exhaust is awfull and probably installed to go through the technical check in UK but I will put it quickly to the garbage. The engine is equiped with a Accel injection, that also need to be rationnally reinstalled, but it is a problem for me. I saw that iti is possible to load a free software to program it. The engine is running fine but I am afraid for the future and may be I will reinstall a Holley 750cfm.
For all this reason I call the car "Cinderella", because a lot of miracle will be necessary to transform it in a princess...:)
I already look to several post on this forum and appreciate the quality of the exchanges. I am sure that a lot of information may already answer to my questions, and also that I will ask a lot of questions...


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Brian Kissel

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Welcome to GT40'S Jean. It looks like you have a very nice start for your project. Read all the build threads you have time for. There are some incredibly talented builders on here from all over the world.
Please enjoy the forum !!

Regards Brian

Tim Collins

Welcome Jean-Marc! I live and work near RCR in Detroit. And my buddy from France, Francis Rolland, is helping me with the build. We are both engineers that work in automotive business here, so if you ever have questions, please don't hesitate.

Your car must be an older version...the rear section is much different.

rear engine.jpg
IDK Tim, my car is an early build, possibly earlier than Jean-Marc’s car and my car has the same aluminum structure your car has. I think some builders prefer a steel structure and fab it themselves.

Welcome aboard Jean-Marc! I acquired my car under similar circumstances as yours. I can assure you there will be many unanticipated projects you’ll have to do on your car just to make things right…;-)

Btw, what are your plans for the battery and electronics box sitting in the passenger spot? Relocation?
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Thank you Brian, Michael, Tim.
Tim, the frame of my car is the same except you cannot see the aluminum bow under the exhaust and the rest is aluminum but painted in black.
I appreciate your offer for help, I will need some, because I do not have any documentation at all. Of course it is very strait forward for the way to assemble, but do you have a spec on how to ajust the suspension front and back, because all is adjustable.
Also I will try to pass the stick shift from center to right side.
But presently I try to list every think and to identify all the extra parts.
Jean-Marc, call RCR and inform them that you now own an RCR40. They will provide you with a member login password to access the online assembly manual, which will be helpful to you for things like baseline alignment specs.

Suspension is completely adjustable as you’re aware, but must be disassembled to perform much of the adjustment.
Hello, to keep you informed :
I moved the stick shift from center to right. I just add an aluminum support underneeth and a plate on top for rigidity that I bolt onto the left case (without going through the gas tank !)
I was able to re-use the cable and it seems to work even if it relatively hard. I should have the engine runing to be able to understand if iti is convenient.
I parallel I rerouted a lot of cables in relation with ignition and injection to avoid to go from left to right and back. I also had to extend the injection cable that was to short.
I found a group on facebook that is specialized in the Accel injection management and was able to load the sofware that drive the injection and that seem very complex. It is a change for me that is familar with 4 barrels Holley carburator with only 5 screws to adjust.



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I am repositionning the pedal box and putting a support on side of the clutch pedal in the same time, The support pedal will be attahced to the pedal box.
It push me also to change the accelerator cable and the way it is acting on the Bora injection. For this I deassembled the injection device and I will attacg the cable to the capstan, that was not the case before.

I alos looked on all the parts that I have in stock delivered with the car, and I have question, does somebody knows how to use or mount the following parts ? I suppose they are use to guide the door (from the label) may be on the roof but how to put them in place ?
I am repositionning the pedal box and putting a support on side of the clutch pedal in the same time, The support pedal will be attahced to the pedal box.View attachment 137504 It push me also to change the accelerator cable and the way it is acting on the Bora injection. For this I deassembled the injection device and I will attacg the cable to the capstan, that was not the case before.View attachment 137505View attachment 137506

I alos looked on all the parts that I have in stock delivered with the car, and I have question, does somebody knows how to use or mount the following parts ? I suppose they are use to guide the door (from the label) may be on the roof but how to put them in place ?
View attachment 137507View attachment 137508
Looks like an alternative to "eyebrows". Maybe comment #29 of
can help? I remember seeing photos of a GTD (?) using this system.
Glad to help. Good luck with your project! Looking forward to your progress reports. Let me know if you need any pictures/solutions off my car ...
Thank You Walter, and the advantage is that your are in Austria, and I am in France not far from Swiss border, even if Autria is a long country.
Somes photos of the Classic Days this weekend at Magnycours in France, a track days with 7 GT40 replica, most of them are Shelby manufactured.


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I continue the modifications on my car, but I have some questions related to two items, could somebody explain me what is this for ?

Why is there this aluminum opening on side of the front cover ?


The second question is related to this pin or cylinder with the threaded hole inside, nothing goes in front of it on the front cover ?


Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
#1 is the Bobbin Slide where the front clip is supposed to be mounted. The bobbins are to be mounted on either side of the front chassis. Those holes in front of your overflow reservoir are probably the bobbin mounting holes.
#2 looks like it may be a vent for the fuel tank.
Markus, Paul, Randy,
Thank's a lot for those precisions. I found in my stock of parts the black bushings. For me those part were part of an engine mount, now I know !
It seems less pratical to use the bobblin instead the rotation on a shaft, but I suppose this was faster to access to the front parts, during a race in the pit stop.