SPF Turn Signal Indicator fix

Last thing I did on the car this weekend was fix my missing turn indication. As suggest (by Jack I think) the bulb had not been placed in the receptacle and worked its way out. Now, it was very difficult to see let alone fix.

There is absolutely no space from underneath from which to reach this light. On my car, the indicator lens and housing are epoxied to the dash, so I just can't slide it out. I didn't want to pull the dash (I would create other problems for sure). So this left only one other way - pull the oil pressure gauge.

Disconnect the battery first, of course. Pull the left hand switch cover (the one that has the panel light dimmer, the horn button and a power receptacle). Disconnet the wires to the power receptacle and the horn, leaving the plate dangling. Disconnect the large molex type cable connector and push the flasher out of the way.

Reach in with your finger tips and barely feel the nut holding the gauge on. Cuss like a mother as your tear the skin off the sides of your index and second fingertips trying to loosen this jewel. Don't give up because this is the only way my friend. Once loosened, use blue tape to protect the area of the dash, slide the gauge out and let it dangle. Be careful not to stress the oil pressure tube. See the prize now....just enough room to get two fingers on it. A long screwdrive helps to coax the bulb into position and then a finger pushes it in. Sweet.

Now there is only one challange left - getting that gauge retaining nut back on. The same two wounded fingers are used. You have to act quickly as any swelling of the skin tissue means you will have to wait. Ten tries later and you feel it catch the thread - yes! Now position the bracket so as to clear the oil pressure tube and the gauge lamp and tighten the gauge retaining nut. With a wry grin, remind yourself not to tighten it quite as much as it was before...you know you will have to do this again someday.