Stacey David mounts the body on the SLC

Thanks for posting the video links, and keep 'em coming please. Ever since I gave up my satellite dish, I don't get Speed--or Gearz--any more. :(

Way to go Fran. You're taking kit car building to a whole new level of credibility and legitimacy. Hopefully, shows like Stacey's help make this kind of fun just that much more accessible to the wider population of gear heads.
So easy even a cave man could do it.

Hey there Everyone,

Is this not the coolest show, or what. I have a feeling that Fran is going to be selling a ton of these cars thanks to how easy Stacey is making this look. I sure am impressed with this show so far.

Great idea Fran, and a beautiful car going together there.

Erik Johnson
GBox Performance
(303) 440-8899 phone