Stolen Transaxle

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Hello Guys,

I'm hoping this community can help with a situation I've gotten our selves into.

I work for Superformance LLC in Jupiter, FL. Our dealer Hillbank Motorsports recently sold one of our Tool Room GT40's to a David Garton of Spring Hill, FL.

David collected his roller last month from me and I misshapenly gave him someone else Quaife transaxle that he did not pay for. David took this transaxle knowing he did not pay for it as he had intentions of using a different transaxle.

Granted it is entirely my fault that I helped him load the transaxle. However, when I noticed that it was provided to him in error that we need to collect it. he has informed me that he sold the transaxle to "Randy".

What I'm hoping is that Randy is a member here and will reach out to us to help remedy this situation. As it sits we're going to be reporting the transaxle stolen with the serial of the transaxle.

If anyone has any information or can help my number is six one nine 647 three two four four, or I can be reached at [email protected]

I appreciated any help with this shituation.


Why do people have such low moral standards. The guy you sold the car to will probably call at sometime in the future and demand a warranty repair or something stupid... Hell I just returned a stainless glass pack that Speedway motors overs hipped to me, they sent me a call tag for it and a free tee shirt to say thanks for finding a flaw in their system that allowed the overage.
Its definitely a sad situation,

I always try my best to go above and beyond for our customers. We have such a great product and its really a family. Definitely a shame. I do know the David is active on this forum so hope he sees this.
Little more that he obviously knew it that he was taking something that wasn't his. He had already secured a transaxle prior to picking his car up on June 19th.

Its funny you said Shameful, I told him "shame on him" over the phone. I expected someone of his stature to be an upstanding person.

Screenshot 2023-07-25 115407.jpg
Appears Randy Folsom may have purchased this transaxle from David Garton. Trying to get ahold of him before this turns into a bigger mess. Sheriff's are handling it well.

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Welcome to GT40s Michael - so sorry to hear of the theft and hopefully things can be remedied quickly.


Mortified GT
Sad story this. But yet very familiar on the GT40 parts scene. If its not a seller or a private parts vendor, its companies refusing to sell you parts due to having the wrong make or lack of vin number to their liking, or its a monocoque replica thats impossible to get parts for due to lack of a P vin… only option is to fabricate ones own parts. I find this GT40 scene very frustrating and very shameful in many ways when it comes to losing out on parts one had paid for. Its a very dodgy business practice among many, and way to easy to end up scammed and out of pocket when trusting friends and various companies. Fingers crossed for you. Its a small GT40 scene.

I try to help others where I can, but thats about to end now for me.

hard to understand how a guy dropping that much money on a roller would look at a $15K "windfall" as worthwhile, in light of the reputation damage in the community, as well as 100% lack of access to Superformance for any future maintenance/support on the chassis etc.
Imagine the scolding any of you would get from a friend or the wife when relaying the story about how you screwed over someone like this.

None of my friends would be impressed... or still call me friend I think.
When we picked up out 40's Chris tried to send us out the door with A arms, uprights and fuel tanks. I just ordered chassis, body, glass and wipers. We checked the paperwork and pulled the extra parts off and left them for his next car.
Well, he has a member profile and makes it very clear about his upcoming build. Maybe members found doing such things should have the accounts terminated.

Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Well, he has a member profile and makes it very clear about his upcoming build. Maybe members found doing such things should have the accounts terminated.
While on the surface that sounds like a good idea - if done, it will remove his ability to address his accusers in the forums to potentially clear his name….
He stays - for now..
We are monitoring.

David Garton

I am going to address this as clearly as possible. I made this purchase over two years ago and while searching for a dealer to purchase from I was warned not to secure a car from a dealer that could not provide me with a transaxle . Without adding every detail of emails and text messages from my sales person Todd Andrews and verbal from Mike that my car and transaxle were ready for pickup. I went with trailer to secure which Michael helped me load . Nothing was stolen . I have secured the trans from Randy to return to Hillbank . The very poor communication and wrong info supplied to me by them will not make me look like a criminal. I had the transaxle over a month before offering it for sale and on July 24th was contacted about their mistake. I have shared the correspondences with Randy and he knows more of the facts. The car delivery is still not completed as there are parts missing and improper parts on the car that are coming for me to take care of. For a $215,000 dollar purchase from such a known company I am at a loss at how poorly it's ran.
Out of respect for de-escalating the situation I will say David is now cooperating. I have all correspondence documented on this matter and I'm glad that there are higher authorities that can persuade people to do the correct thing.

What is absolutely wonderful is the community of this forum. I'm very thankful that we get to build relationships with our GT40's and just sell another car off a lot.
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