The club ?

The Enthusiasts club website seems to be dead in the water, no updates or news, the site remains same as same as for months, no news of the new Chairlady taking the helm, no news for 2019, is the club active at all apart from the excellent magazine
tried this 40 times get always this:
i used this morning my wife's acces on the club website , and i can acces to the forum..... so the problem lies somewhere on my side
btw..... for tommorow.... happy newyear to all!
Well, here we are in Feb 2019, and I see John Cleland is still the chairman according to our web site! And there are other oddities. Under 'Our Club'/'About Us', the text begins 'Recent publicity...', so I lookd for a date to put this into context. Nothing. Under 'Latest News'. the last items are listed from April 2018 - did nothing happen during the summer? As a matter of principle, all pages with date dependent content, on any web site, not just ours, should have a date stamp. I would suggest that the software people who have built our site are remiss in not having included this basic and fundamental component of any well designed web page. Finally, we really do need an up to date list of all club officers, not under 'Contacts', but under 'Our Club'/'About Us'. There is great potential here, let's just dot the 'i's and cross the 't's!
The silence is deafening! So bearing in mind this is an enthusiasts group, here is an invitation to any / all GT40 owners in Scotland or even N England to come together and form an impromptu regional group. There are some fabulous driving roads up here in Scotland, and wonderful locations to visit. So much so that I wonder why anyone in England bothers with high performance cars any longer, such is the traffic density down there ;-)
Here is the invitation - contact me, and I will do my best to organise things. If you are interested, let me know the sort of geograpical area you would be happy to visit for an afternoon trip. No good specifying the amazing road north of Ullapool if you live in the Borderrs! If we can get something together, I'll ask the Enthusiasts Club to formerly recognise us as a Regional Group.
If you want to discuss aspects of the club website then you should really do it on the club forum. Just to put matters straight, John Cleland is still the club chairman and will remain so until the next AGM.


Lifetime Supporter
I tried to rejoin this club last year after deliberately lapsing my membership about ten years ago.
My email address still exists on the club database as an existing member so I could not renew. I contacted the administration about it and never heard a thing.
Total disarray , We are given to understand that Belinda is now acting chairlady, that John having resigned, Graham has given up the Website and membership secretary, and editor Richard is now membership secretary, all others seemingly now in winter hibernation. The only seemingly awake ( and doing a fantastic job ) is the Editor of the great magazine.
I tried to rejoin this club last year after deliberately lapsing my membership about ten years ago.
My email address still exists on the club database as an existing member so I could not renew. I contacted the administration about it and never heard a thing.
James - how did you contact the admin? Graham E who responded a few posts back is the club membership secretary.

Ian Anderson

Lifetime Supporter
Total disarray , We are given to understand that Belinda is now acting chairlady, that John having resigned, Graham has given up the Website and membership secretary, and editor Richard is now membership secretary, all others seemingly now in winter hibernation. The only seemingly awake ( and doing a fantastic job ) is the Editor of the great magazine.

Hi Frank
If your information is accurate then someone needs to update the company house records



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If you have any problems trying to join or renew club membership, feel free to contact me as despite the inaccurate statement by Frank Catt, who is not a member of the club, I am still the membership secretary.
I tried to rejoin this club last year after deliberately lapsing my membership about ten years ago.
My email address still exists on the club database as an existing member so I could not renew. I contacted the administration about it and never heard a thing.

If you want to rejoin the club, contact me direct and I will sort this out for you.

Total disarray , We are given to understand that Belinda is now acting chairlady, that John having resigned, Graham has given up the Website and membership secretary, and editor Richard is now membership secretary, all others seemingly now in winter hibernation. The only seemingly awake ( and doing a fantastic job ) is the Editor of the great magazine.
Not membership secretary Frank, I have added advertising to the editorship role. We will need a new membership secretary otherwise the mailing list for the magazine will not be updated which will lead to some unhappy members.
Hi Frank
If your information is accurate then someone needs to update the company house records

The Companies House records are up to date. The Committee is not the same thing as the Company's Board of Directors. Belinda has indeed been appointed as a director, but she will not be - officially - the Chairperson until such time as the Club's membership votes her in to that position. All being well, that will happen at the Club's AGM in a few months' time. In the meantime, she is Acting Chairperson.
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