F1 2008

I thought the circuit was a huge disappointment. It could have been on a industrial estate anywhere in the world. The spectators were all but invisible and there was no atmosphere at all. The actual race proved to be quite interesting for reasons unconnected with the cars actually racing each other, but it could well have been a boring succession with the cars finishing more or less in the same order that they were on the opening laps.

I fear that a precedent has been set and we will have more night races. Mark Blundell (who was presumably feted by the Singapore government and therefore had a good time there) suggested that the Australian GP and other far eastern races should be run at night just so that us Europeans don't have to get up early or set the video recorder to watch a race. IMO night races are a very bad move for F1 if you are watching the race on TV.

I may well never stop laughing about this - BBC SPORT | Motorsport | Formula One | Ferrari furious over Singapore GP . :)

They really expect us to believe that they care about F1 being humiliated?
F1 is a joke and I finally found the laugh.
(Except for the weather guys of course, for whom I have the greatest respect. :) )

Nice point BTW Pat. The idea that F1 is going greener with lower fuel consumption etc does seem kind of redundant given the energy they must have used to power the lights.

IMO the night race concept was ok. I can take it or leave it.

All European and especially North and South American races should be run at a time more convenient to Australians. ;)

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Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Well I agree with this comment by Montezmolo.

Montezemolo, appointed this month as the first chairman of the F1 Teams Association, said before the race that street circuits, with their lack of overtaking opportunities, were not the way forward for the sport.

Andy Sheldon

Tornado Sports Cars
GT40s Sponsor
Can anybody tell me why Hamilton was not fined or had champinoship points deducted for not driving down the pit lane with the fuel hose attached?

... and it wouldn't hurt Ron Dennis.

Actually I think Andy's was a funnier observation than that. Read it again and note the second "not". ;)

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It's probably been mentioned before but to make it all a little more interesting offer more incentives. The gold medal thing would n't help, difference between matchplay and stroke play, its still Golf....

How about points for more things, like NASCAR (i think anyway, wrong side of the pond so don't see it much). But i did watch a race where an amount of points were awarded for positions during the race as well, half distance i think...anyway that would shake up the pit strategies. Points for leading the race, a point a lap perhaps. that would give teh slower cars something to aim at, not un heard of the slower cars running near the front during a round of pitstops...and then points for fastest pitstop, reward the crews for hard work, points for fastest lap, points for qualifying postion, fastest qualifier gets loads of points but starts at the rear of the grid..

now i now that would mean a shed load of points available at each race but those points would be more attainablr to more teams, and with more teams up for the points, drivers will, maybe, try harder and as a result overtake.

and take technology restrictions off but maybe apply a 'salary cap' to the car like rugby teams in the UK get an upper limit to spend on their wage bill, throw all your money on a hot player or spead it around so you end up with a team greater than the sum of the wage bill. Same thing, independant auditors track the cost of parts on the car. if you want to throw all your budget on a new 'go faster widget' bolted onto last years cars then so be it, don't forget to leave money in the budget for oil!!

Right enough of my ramblings on F1, another cuppa tea and i'll sort out the banks before supper!!!!!!!!!
I believe Massa was penalized, though it was for the release timing. Once he was out of the space, what else could he do but drive on past the other garages, or he would block them in?

As for Monty's comments, even from a Ferrari fan this is just a big batch of sour grapes. The circuit may be crap, the lights may be a terrible idea, but the conditions were the same for all involved. Ferrari's abysmal performance was completely self inflicted.
As we all realise Hamilton would have been black flagged for the same offence.

Is it not true that the race stewards are independent of the FIA. However they have a direct line to them for advice on any decission they need to make!!!!! Again great fairness for all ?

if one is awarded a drive through penalty which must be taken with in three laps of the announcement .How can that occur after the race? I seem to remember shumacer winning a race for ferrari by taking his penalty on the last lap ,since his garage was past the finish line on the pit straight he was given the victory.

It seems Ferrari have corrupt assosiation with the FIA Wouldnt buy one dont want one got a GT40 VERY CONTENT

Brian Magee

Just seen an interview with Sir Max on the television. His first interview since the revelations of his sex life in the News of the World. As the interview closed in his FIA office in Paris the camera panned round to a model F1 car displayed on it's own on a sideboard. Was it a March which Max was part of the team? Was it a Brabham of his best buddy Bernie? Was it a McLaren who have put so much money in the FIA coffers? No, you've guessed, a red car with a prancing horse on the side.

Says it all!!!

Hi Brian,
Yep spotted that.........bit obvious though, even for his highness!
BTW interesting that it is his contention that it was all the fault of the News of the World...........nothing to do with him at all!!!
I heard of it yesterday(rumors) but nothing was official. Now there is no F1 in North America I wonder if North American sponsors will start to pull out F1 now that money is getting tight with the markets they way they are. Toronto lost the Indy last year and now Montreal F1 Race. Mario Andretti and his team is putting an IRL race in Toronto next summer. The Toronto race will be bigger than ever now that F1 is gone.