F1 2008

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Sebastion Bourdais and Philippe Massa had an incident as the former was exiting from his pitstop. Bourdais was judged to have cause the incident
and has been penalised and Massa awarded the extra points.
Where on this Gods earth could Bourdais have gone to allow Massa an unhindered track as Massa crossed across the exit from the pits ?
One more incredible judgement by the stewards in favour of Maranello.
You just could not write this shit could you??:thumbsdown:
Is F1 a sport?
Don't be stupid.
You should know the answer to this.
Bourdais should have slowed to an almost stop before the chicane, saluted the Farrari on it's way past as a mark of respect and reverence and then slotted nicely back in line like a good soldier.
Obvious really..
ferrari are too arrogant as they think all should move out of their way. At that point wernt they racing each other ??

Also now your not really allowed to race each other from the start ,or make a mistake as the stewards will peanalise you , unless your in red. Ok massa got a penalty but did leave the track and hit a maclaran ,perhaps he should have been given bonus points,Yep they gave those at the end !

Its good to see all the other teams fighting higher in the points though!

Pat Buckley

GT40s Supporter
I was a real Hamilton fan until last night.

I prefer my hero drivers to be intelligent - starting with the last race last year Lewis has demonstrated that he is dumber than a post.

Congrats to Alonzo, F*** Ferrari!

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Try this for next year:
Alonso stays in No 1 Renault seat.
Piquet looks for pastures new.
Ex champ car driver takes no 2 seat.
Try this for next year:
Alonso stays in No 1 Renault seat.
Piquet looks for pastures new.
Ex champ car driver takes no 2 seat.

You would say that S.Bourdais takes the 2nd seat in Renault team ??
As a french man, it would be great, but.......

Renault, it's Flavio !!!
Flavio is making business in formula one.. he earn a lot fo money with his pilots...
and Bourdais 's manager is nicolas todt, so there is no chance !!!!
if they will not feed our Kimi with the correct Vodka he will be fired and Ferrari will take Alonso for the next year,solving the nut contract they have for now and 2009.
I just hope Massa will stop to make so many mistakes, on the other side "the soo beloved Hamilton" is proving he is even worst than Massa and sleeping Kimi.
I really hope he will destroy Mclaren dreams to win the champ also in the next 2 races.
It is true he made great pass to others, is also true if u wait 2 turns..he crashes always alone..seems me in videogames.

If Alonso will drive the Red, Mclaren will be definitely destroyed..and finally we will see again Ron dennis crying..I hope forever.
Formula 1 is not a sport..is nothing,real motorsport is somewhere else place.(Australian v8s are really much much more interesting and fun to see)

FORZA FERRARI..SEMPRE...plz somebody help me in this land of McLaren supporters:D:D (sorry guys..real italian blood here..no offense for all, u know me..:))

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
You would say that S.Bourdais takes the 2nd seat in Renault team ??
As a french man, it would be great, but.......

Renault, it's Flavio !!!
Flavio is making business in formula one.. he earn a lot fo money with his pilots...
and Bourdais 's manager is nicolas todt, so there is no chance !!!!

Drivers have been known to change managers, and David has shall we say, ahem, inside knowledge:lipsrsealed:
I thought the following comment from a BBC discussion forum was interesting :-

"I'm convinced that what we are seeing now is FIA pay back to Ferrari for being the only team to support the FIA throughout the Concorde Agreement row when all the other teams threatened to split from the FIA sponsored F1 circus. No one would sign a contract after 2008 so Ferrari signed for 12 years, effectively killing the breakaway movement."


Like Paolo, I am a total red fan (not the commie types that we see to often in politics both on both sides of the ocean).

Yes, it is about politics, spectacle, and of course winning races. Last year's Raikonen victory was pay back, and the hype this year is to keep the attendence up to the end.

Toro Rosso use a Ferrari engine.

While not a great Alonso fan, I would rather see Alonso or Kubica at Ferrari than the Finn. Let's hope the Finn is gone for next year.

Siamo Italiani Paolo !!!!!!


David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Apparently some of the former fans of Hamilton have had a 'bring and burn'
barbeque session where they tossed all the LH junk they had spent good money on into the fire. Now, that's really having money to burn ...........:shocked:
I wonder what they were mouthing as they did it?:veryangry:

Like Paolo, I am a total red fan (not the commie types that we see to often in politics both on both sides of the ocean).

Yes, it is about politics, spectacle, and of course winning races. Last year's Raikonen victory was pay back, and the hype this year is to keep the attendence up to the end.

Toro Rosso use a Ferrari engine.

While not a great Alonso fan, I would rather see Alonso or Kubica at Ferrari than the Finn. Let's hope the Finn is gone for next year.

Siamo Italiani Paolo !!!!!!


ehehe..at all Dom!

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Apparently some of the former fans of Hamilton have had a 'bring and burn'
barbeque session where they tossed all the LH junk they had spent good money on into the fire. Now, that's really having money to burn ...........:shocked:
I wonder what they were mouthing as they did it?:veryangry:

Poor Lewis, you make one leetle mistake:shrug: O.k.two leetle mistakes :uhoh:
maybe three or four aw stuff it.:bigcry:

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
French Grand Prix cancelled!

The board of directors of the French motor sport federation have announced in Paris that they are not going to hold a French Grand Prix in 2009 because of economic problems. The FFSA has been promoting the event for some years but does not believe that it is possible to hold the race in 2009 without making a financial loss and as the club does not have huge financial resources it is not possible to take that risk.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
On the F1.com website, they are running a poll on the following:
Which of the three title contenders would you most like to see win the 2008 drivers' championship?
In order, 1. Kubica, 2. Massa, 3. Hamilton.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Boring or what?

The only move I saw was KR yielding to Massa on team orders. Every other overtaking move was countered straight away. The only interesting part during the whole race was when I shot my second rabbit in the back garden - the rabbit made a barking sound for about 20 seconds.
I wonder what the stewards are going to dream up to take points away from LH this time?
Wrong colours on his helmet?
Sorry , silly me .......wrong coloured car...........should be red!