Climate change

No imagination at all, just Google. Lets just say chances are between slim and none that anyone's going to get the truth from anything Murdoch has his hand in.

This whole thing about conservatives basing their thinking on "facts" as if liberals don't is just so funny. Would you use WMD in Iraq as an example of a "fact" that conservatives have used? Would you use following a religion (which is centered around "faith" which, by its very definition is believing in something when there are no facts availble) an example? Hell, you guys voted Bush into office. TWICE. That whole facts argument is a hollow cop out and I hear it all the time. The problem with the way conservatives claim to act is that once you have enough "facts" to help you finally make a decision, in many cases it will be too late. You aren't necessarily basing your decision simply on facts, you are just painfully waiting for the "facts" that support your wants. On that note, I find it confusing and self serving that someone can have no problem giving money to a church but be against giving money to our government. Yes, I know giving money to the government is not by choice, but that's what you get for living in a society.

I am centrist myself. By nature I am someone who needs facts to make a decision; in fact I am not exactly an "on the spot" decision maker. This does not make me a conservative, however. There are many, many differences. Basing decisions and actions on facts is not one of them even by a long shot - and I mean between conservatives and liberals.

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
IMHO, the whole problem with this debate is it has become political rather than scientific.
With hard core liberals and hard core conservatives both following the party line like religious Zealots!

I would like to think of myself as a sceptic rather a zealot and I am not convinced the science..Mostly flawed computer models proves anything.

Do I think man is polluting the planet? Yes I do and believe it or not have taken part in projects like Clean up Australia.

I am not convinced however that carbon is bad and I am certain from the science I have seen that it is not causing Climate change.

I am also convinced that Governments in the U.S. Canada, U.K. N.Z. Australia and other countries of the western world, will and are using the Global warming/Climate change bogey man to introduce more and more taxes.

Also many major Corporations, Universities and scientific institutions see this global warming myth as an opportunity to get their noses in the carbon credit trough which will be filled with our tax dollars/Pounds.

Follow the money..Nobody really gives a shit about the Polar Bears!
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Lifetime Supporter
Chris, you may call yourself a "centrist", but you really are a liberal. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Pete, your comments reveal a man of Great Wisdom and insight. A lot of people do not understand the true issue in these types of posts. I try to avoid these types of discussions for that reason.

Do I believe that mankind is having a negative impact upon the environment. Yes. All one has to do is look at the litter some individuals casually throw out their car windows, in our dump sites, etc.

Do I believe that mankind is responsible for the climate changes. Not as of this writing. If you believe the scientific studies which show a natural cycle of these temperature changes, how can you possibly blame the climate change upon our current carbon footprint? How do you reconcile the scientific study referenced by Penn & Teller that our then carbon footprint was going to bring about the next ice age while now it is causing global warming?

My two cents. I have to go now and cut down some trees and trap baby animals. :)
I see all the science pertaining to global warming and it points out that it is a natural phenomonon. Volcanos and Forest fires for the most part are natural phenomonon. The greatest polution comes from the volcanos and forest fires. They don't cause global warming. Human polution and cow farts are minimal polution by comparison. Global warming is however a great way to raise money for bionic spending which by coincidence we have had a bit of lately.Hmmmmmmmmm!!!!
IMHO, the whole problem with this debate is it has become political rather than scientific.
With hard core liberals and hard core conservatives both following the party line like religious Zealots!

I would like to think of myself as a sceptic rather a zealot and I am not convinced the science..Mostly flawed computer models proves anything.

Do I think man is polluting the planet? Yes I do and believe it or not have taken part in projects like Clean up Australia. Clean Up Australia

I am not convinced however that carbon is bad and I am certain from the science I have seen that it is not causing Climate change.

I am also convinced that Governments in the U.S. Canada, U.K. N.Z. Australia and other countries of the western world, will and are using the Global warming/Climate change bogey man to introduce more and more taxes.

Also many major Corporations, Universities and scientific institutions see this global warming myth as an opportunity to get their noses in the carbon credit trough which will be filled with our tax dollars/Pounds.

Follow the money..Nobody really gives a shit about the Polar Bears!

I don't believe for a moment that you are being open minded with just a touch of skepticism. You seemed obsessed to me given all the posts that you have place on this forum.

But if you want to make this a scientific discussion, then lets do that. But before we can have that discussion, we all need to have a basic understanding of how science works...

1) A scientist proposes a theorem.
2) The theorem is tested with controlled experiments.
3) The experiments yield results which either do or don't support the theorem.
4) A theory is then developed based on this evidence
5) A qualified skeptic (for want of a better word) having examined the results will point out a flaw in the theory and propose a new theorem
6) The new theorem is tested... etc etc ... So the process inherently and continuously guides and refines its theories based on evidence gathered.

You will also notice some important points here. That there are NO facts in the process at all (only evidence and theories), and importantly, that skepticism is fundamentally built into the process.

So since your WHOLE argument is based on the fact that skeptics exist, I would have to conclude that you have no scientific argument at all, but that you instead don't understand some of the basic principals of science. All I see is that you are treating the discovery of a skeptic as a revelation... as though you have managed to uncover some dark secret that everyone wants to hide. You couldn't be any further from the truth.

So to get back to climate change, most scientists understand that the climate change theory has been refined many times and redirected many times to a point where its basic theories are now very robust. Even though there are still some things that have not been fully explained, they are not in the realms of being unexplainable.

So to draw an analogy, most scientists believe that the earth is a globe, even though some skeptics may point out that the existence of gigantic mountains apparently disprove this. The earth however is still basically a globe.
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Lifetime Supporter
You will also notice some important points here. That there are NO facts in the process at all (only evidence and theories), and importantly, that skepticism is fundamentally built into the process.

Doesn't the "evidence" then become "fact"????

Pete McCluskey.

Lifetime Supporter
Well Chrisl seems like I touched a nerve. First I never claimed to be a scientist, nor do I have any knowledge of science other than High school studies and I didn't pay attention then. So thank you for enlightening me.

I assume from your post that you agree that Global warming is just a theory and not fact at all?

If so, thank you for agreeing with me.

Everyone should get very angry that Governments across the world are using a non factual theory as a reason to raise even more taxes.
I am with you Pete. Chris to suggest Pete's whole argument is based on the existence of sceptics is quite frankly total BS. Pete isn't denying the climate changes, he just doubts that impact of man and the solutions being put forward.

Pete is right, the climate has been changing forever. To suddenly say reducing carbon emissions of which man produces only a small portion is going to change anything is basically saying that carbon is the key driver of the weather. If this was the case why can't all those computer models predict the temparature just by plugging in some new numbers of carbon? Because really, that is what the reduce carbon emissions 'solution' is suggesting. They have essentially boiled down weather patterns to one factor - Carbon. This is convenient for taxation but not so convenient for reality. Temparture levels do not correlate well with carbon levels in the way the solar activity does.

Why can no one answer these questions? More to the point - why WON'T anyone asnwer these questions?
We as a country are proceeding towards a clean environment. I think the average American and some Australians (just kidding Pete) actually give a damn what happens to the world, and we are making a small difference. But fear mongers like Gore that profit on the spreading of fear while he lives in a house that uses $1,500.00 a month in electric, please!!!. He says he uses Green switch electricity that comes from wind turbines. I was an electric lineman, like he has a separate power line from the wind turbines, give me a break. From the size that Gore has grown to, he probably is to blame for a good deal of greenhouse gases.
It's funny, no matter how many scientist say that global warming is a scam (31,000 in the US), no one in government will listen. Of course they have this bill they are trying to pass that will tax us into oblivion! Fear is a great way to raise money! The sky is falling!!!
Al Gore is Emitting some more of the greenhouse gasses he says we should be reducing and flying to Australia next week. At the ripe old age of 34 and never having been particularly motivated or angry enough about something in the past I am now seriously considering attending my first protest.
Al Gore is Emitting some more of the greenhouse gasses he says we should be reducing and flying to Australia next week. At the ripe old age of 34 and never having been particularly motivated or angry enough about something in the past I am now seriously considering attending my first protest.
You should attend if only to listen to the pure BS that flows from his mouth. In Japan he told them that the polar ice cap was going to be completely melted in 5 years, he held up one hand, fingers spread and kept saying "5 years". In which case the sky won't be falling but we will be floating up towards it!
One of the great sadnesses of the whole pro AGW 'consensus' has been the corruption of the scientific method, in almost all stages of the process, from observational data to peer review. When proponents of AGW state that there is a consensus and that the 'debate' is over you know that this is not science any longer but politics or religion.
I think the issue for government is not whether "climate change" or "global warming" is happening or not..... or for that matter what's causing it. It just matters that there is enough propaganda around to base extra taxation on!!
This issue has changed from a good cause and become a stick to beat people with.

Now what i'd like to know about the "carbon/green tax" is.... what it is being spent on, frankly i think i can guess but i'd like the hear the BS from the politicians anyway.
I don't know about 'global warming' affecting the rest of you folks(like the extreme heat in Oz last season) but we have broken records here in New England for low temps for the last 3 days,some of which have stood for over 70 years. This whole summer has been in the low 60's to mid 70's (deg F) for highs,40's with some 30's earlier for lows.Just now starting to feel like summer with a couple days just breaking 80. El Nino, El something - this is crazy.
If anyone saw Jonathon Ross last Friday he had Vivian Westwood? on and she gave a little speech asking people to look at and sign up to do your bit to support Prince Charles etc and help stop destruction of rainforests. They dont blame cars, planes, shipping etc for global warming. They blame destruction of rainforests for it. Greed is the problem here. Anyone who doesnt blame us car enthusiasts gets my vote anytime. See what you think, Kev.
maybe I'm a simple guy but for me people are the only treat for the environment.Since ww2 the population on earth has more than doubled.This sounds crude,onpopular and certainly not social but get rid of the overpopulation and we are heading in the right direction.For the governments this is a hard one,how can we tax this?So lets close our eyes get more tax from the people who love cars,planes or whatever is fun and our children don't have (a) place to live and food and water for all of them.Is this a hard opinion ,think about it. By the way there where no cars when the dynosaurs disappeared.!!