Another Shelby Lawsuit

This does not directly apply to GT40s (yet), however I just
saw on Autoweek that Mr. Shelby is suing Superformance over making a replica of the Daytona Coupe. The story went on to say that Superformance designed their replica with the help and blessing of Peter Brock (the original Coupe designer who was employed by Shelby at the time).

Apparently, Mr. Shelby recently obtained either a patent or trademark for the Coupe, and on that basis, US Customs
impounded one of the "Brock" replicas upon entry into the

Presumably Superformance is mounting the same defense that
Factory Five successfully utilized in it's lengthy struggle
with Shelby, but you never know what will happen with the
insane legal system these days.

I NEVER wish anyone ill will...but I almost wish Mr. Shelby
would just pass on to the next life and leave us alone.

Once again Shelby lost. Pete's car was admitted into the country. Shelby hated the original Daytona coupe that BTW Pete designed. Shelby had nothing to do with the Daytona Coupe except for taking the credit for it once it began winning.
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif It's sad to see someone build a legacy that brought excitement to so many Ford racing enthusiasts over the years, only to see the whole thing tilt towards the negative. Then again, this has happened to many celebrated folks.

Have fun!


Don't feel bad...VERY FEW people know how bitter and resentful Shelby has become. Unless he murders someone
in the near future (always possible), I think his name
will always be exalted by 99% of the public.


Ron Earp

Admin has some lively debate about Shelby. Of course, it affects their cars more than ours since Shelby makes replicas too (begin flame war!), but it might affect us if Shelby starts importing a GT40 from SA....
Hi Guys, spoke recently to Jimmy Price who owns Superformance here in South Africa.Saw the Cobra Daytona Coupe just before it was shipped to the US. He builds not only Cobras for the world market but also builds the "Noble" and other cars for AC in the UK. Didn't mention the lawsuit BUT did mention he was in the process of starting up a plant to build GT40s as per original drawings , steel spider etc etc.Should surface early next year. Jimmy Price builds a superb product and makes sure all the "t"s are crossed and "i"s dotted before going into any venture.
One thing for sure! I won't have the bucks to buy one of his 40s at our stupid exchange rate.


Lifetime Supporter
Although the coupe has an interesting history I would venture to say the replica market wouldn't be lost if he did win.

Think about the fact that the coupe and GT40 of are the same era. A great comparison of grass roots and corporate backed motorsport. Fortunately we GT40 replica owners are not subject to these issues (yet)....

He may be a curmudgeon but thats part of the legend.
Don't worry to much guys,
I saw Shelby in Nashville sitting on a chair with his famous hat. I thought that he couldn't make the event and they put a wax statue of him in his trailor. I almost jumped out of my shoes when he blinked his eyes. He must weigh about 80 pounds.
Even with new parts he will surely not see his 85th b-day.
Pete is a nice guy and he designed the coupe so he should get the glory. I love the cars but sometimes the people get in the way of fun. I saw CS in TN but missed him at MI.
I was in CA once and forgot to put in my claim on the "missing coupe" the wacko woman owned. LOL
Here are some older pics of me and some Ford guys.


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Ron Earp

This is what I understand from reading on Club Cobra. And those folks are having some NICE debates about "what is a real CSX car now" since the price went through the floor with a "Real" Shelby CSX numbered chassis, all complete minus engine and tranny, at around $42000.

The plot thickens. I was at a Cobra meet last Sunday and the rep for Superformance (South African company) was telling me the guy who owns Superformance had bought AC Cars so really the Superformance cars could now be deemed to be AC Cobras. Their cars are beautifully built and they have just released a Cobra coupe. Regards