FAILED!!! at the BAR (Califonia Smog test)

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter
Alan, I'm pretty sure that Dennis Peck recommended them, I think alot of the Cobra guys go there. It's a funky little shop across the tracks from Mike Harvey Honda. Remember, this was four years ago, things may have changed.
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Seymour Snerd

Lifetime Supporter
They did not even bother to drive the car, as the breaks were new, just signed it off. I did not need a back up light, only license plate light.

Jim --

Another issue I had totally forgotten about until a couple days ago: four-way flashers! Easy enough to implement (temporarily anyway) with a couple diodes on the number light switch, but did Ruppels want you to have that?

Thanks, Alan.

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

No, other than adding a license plate light, the rest was just as it came to me. Although in retrospect, four way flashers is probably a good idea.

Good Luck!