Ford GT Brochures

I hate to be a complainer, but I am really tired of e-mailing Mr. Muck about the Ford GT brochures. I sent him my money, by pay pal on July 28. I have since reconfirmed this info and my shipping info on several different occassions - i.e. 9/28, 10/25, 11/24 etc.. On the 25th of October, Mr Muck sent me an e-mail promising to check on the order and get back to me!!! I have heard nothing! On Nov. 25th I sent him an e-mail saying I expected the brochures, the money or a detailed explanation by the 3rd of Dec.. Well it is the 3rd and I still haven't heard a word. I ask you would you buy a car from this man? The money is zippo, but I hate getting ripped off and if it isn't a rip off than why am I being ignored? Am I the only guy on the forum with a problem?


Lifetime Supporter
I received my case plus 1 brochure yesterday; so, he is legit - I realize it took a long time; patience is a virtue grasshopper.

He was doing this as a favor to you, not to make money; so, I believe your post is uncalled for in the consumer watch forum. And, yes I would buy a car from this man.

Hang in there, you will get yours.

I am glad to hear that you received what you asked for. It gives me hope. The only reason I posted here is out of frustration. I generally judge a man on what he does, not on what he says. So far from my vantage point I have not even gotten answers that were promised, let alone seen any actions. It seems to me that a promise made on October 25 and still not acted on, is patience. As the e=mails don't seem to get me anywere I thought I would try to communicate thru the only other avenue open to me.
Hey, I just got confirmation today that a book I ordered from will ship in 4-7 days. I ordered it on September 20, 2003 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Sometimes things just take a while...
And speaking of Steve Toner, I have a package of brochures here for you but I need your address. Please...anyone who odered and paid please reconfirm your order and address. YES!!!! I know I have asked before but between my home system crapping out multiple times and my company notebook being wiped clean in an attempt by our IT guy to thwart an attack, I am missing many orders. Also I am once again waiting on Ford to send more...

And I understand everyones frustration..I wish I had never offered! But hey, go on eBay and pay $6-10 per copy...


Yours were sent 11-22 in a large white cardboard shipping evelope. If you have not received them let me know and I will re-send.
Also I am confirming your address via PM
And speaking of Steve Toner, I have a package of brochures here for you but I need your address.

[/ QUOTE ]

PM sent. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Rick, thank you for the response. At least I now know I am in the system. No, I have not yet received them. However the holiday mail is notorious, so lets not rush to any conclusion. If I don,t receive by the end of next week I will contact you. Thanks again.
Rick, I am happy to report that the brochures arrived in todays mail.Thank you they look great as a backdrop to The Mega Blok GT.
Since Ford are not bringing any brochures to the UK I'm pleased to report that mine from Rick arrived this morning - many thanks
You know after passing the 8 month mark (money sent June F***ing 6th '04, counless attempts to contact with either empty promises or no response at all), I am still waiting to here from Mr. Muck about either a refund or delivery. I hope that I am the only one in this state, I'm sorry but enough is enough, HELLO!! CAN YOU HEAR ME !! and no I would not buy a car from this guy.
Mr. K.....
I have sent a brochure to you, that it it has not arrived is not under my control. I will today send you well as a refund for the $2.50 you paid....note that you only paid the 2.50 for the brochure, not the additional that I asked for the mailing container and the additional for the postage.
Nevertheless, I sent it. Please continue to trash me as you see fit. I will also send Ron $2.50 for the forum in your name as you suggested previously. I assume this will not rectify the issue but I invite anyone to suggest what else I might do to "make up" for this.

Rick (who is sorry I ever offered this...) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
since you appear to still have some of these brochures could I buy a couple off you ??

If so please let me know how you want me to pay and I will send you my address (I am in the UK if that makes any difference).

I think you have me mixed up with someone else, I actually sent you a paypal for $11.00 for the one brochure (back in 6/04), perhaps you sent this brochure to the wrong person, address I dont know. If this being the misunderstanding it could have easily have rectified with a simple confirmation from you. My outburst was just a result in the frustration by lack of response (or delivery) from you . Could you email or PM me to confirm the shipping info. I thank you for your effort.


I actually emailed as well as PM'ed you my information again, again thanks for your efforts.

I wish to apologize to Chris, I had his oder mixed with another. he did pay the full amount. It was another person who did not and I am PayPal(ing) him his $2.50. I will still send an equal amount to the Forum.

I've not heard anything from you so assume you
a) don't have any more brochures to sell, or
b) don't want to sell them to me.

I'll send you an email as well as this post to make sure.

the brochure is really not worth getting your nickers in a knot over, the dealers here handed out posters and brochures even though they only got 1 car to sell. you can pick the brochures or posters up on ebay if you really have to have one. i haven't lost my mind , i sold it on ebay.