Forming Header Starter Tube

To all:

I believe I saw this posted here on this site, but cannot find it, so maybe I saw it in a magazine article. Somebody had a photo/description of a tool they made to create the rectangular section of the header tube that attaches to the header flange, using standard round tube. In other words, they made a tool to create the rectangular-to-round transition as the starter tube for the header. Anybody know where this post is?

The site's search engine and I are agreeing even less tonight than we usually do. Thanks in advance.

It was one of the Aussie members, & I think it was on his build thread IIRC, hope that narrows it down enough...:)
I used the following mandrel to make my stub pipes shown here:

Basically it was turned as a snug fit into the exhaust pipe and the flats ground onto it. With the first pair of flats pressed/hammered to the former shape, a g-clamp was put over them and the second pair of flats formed, effectively pushing the material into the corners

It took a bit of fiddling to get the mandrel correct, but after that they only took a few minutes to make each

Hope this helps


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That is exactly the post I was trying to find. Thanks.


Looks like you did basically the same thing. For the header flange, what thickness of steel did you use?

Hi Eric
Just another approch
This is a tool I made for the same job, but kind of works back to front from the one in the post you were looking for.
Its milled with a tapper to fit into the round pipe and tappers back to the flange size, in this case a FE. I clamped two pieces of timber into the vice and drilled a 1 3/4" hole into each half of them. this acted as two halfs of a clamp. Then heated the pipe and used the tool as a dolly and hammered it into the hot pipe. With a little care and a lot of practice this will forge a nice tranision from round to square or rectangle.
I hope this helps


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