Forum section on articles

What ever happened to the section that was to entertain articles? I and several others have submitted some, but there has not been an addition to the forum as yet. I know Shannon worked hard to get it going. Any info on it's progress would be great.

Ron Earp


Whenever Shannon gives the word that the site is ready I think I've got it figured out how to add a new domain to to have the address here. I'll put a link in from the front page and that forum and we'll be ready. I could do it over Tgiving. Shannon, where do we stand? Enough articles? Have you got what you want for the DIY section as that will basically stop and be transferred to the FAQ.

Sorry for the lack of response, I'm on vacation with limited access to a PC.

Ron, the site is ready to go, I've updated it with all the articles that I've recieved. It also has a list of manufacturers, build sites etc... I'm also wanting to change the look of the pages a little, but this won't affect the useability of it. If you want to put a link to it on main page its:

I admit that I've been lax about scouring the existing forum for links, I've got a remodeling project going on at the house and it takes much of my time.

As far as functionality, she's ready to go.

One thing that I will do is install a cgi search engine, but I only recently found a free one that I liked.


Ron Earp

Alright, I will modify the upper menu and the forum this weekend to link over to this section. Then we'll need to get cracking on articles!!!


I read the whole pdf file. Which of those choices lets you get the car in the US AND register it for road use? Box 8? Box 9?