G50 gearbox for my ford 302???


i'd like to use a G50 gearbox for my ford 302 but, is there any manufacturer for built a adapter ford 302 to G50 in europe or us ???

This gearbox is it good ratio?

Thank you and sorry for my English!!! i don't speack English very well sorry sorry and sorry!!

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Hi Freddy,
Checkout Chris Hadfield or flatchat as he is known on here,he is in Australia and does a very nice kit to suit your combination.
cheers Ali
Hi and thank you for all,

i have "to send" an e-mail to Chris and he is very serious i have a response of Chris.
Today i go to take "picture" of my Ford V8 and monday the G50 gearbox.

Excuse me again, it's very hard for me to speack in English excuse me again !!



<TABLE id=texttable><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD id=sourcecell><TEXTAREA id=source dir=ltr tabIndex=0 name=text closure_hashCode_iihf2q="1">Hello Freddy We have adaption kits in the US,Britain, Netherlands and New Zealand as well as local . Happy to help out where possible and good luck with your build project</TEXTAREA><SCRIPT>_SetupBidi('source');</SCRIPT> </TD><TD id=gap> </TD><TD class=almost_half_cell>Bonjour Freddy
Nous avons des kits d'adaptation aux États-Unis, la Grande-Bretagne, Pays-Bas et la Nouvelle-Zélande ainsi que les collectivités locales.
Heureux d'aider, si possible, et bonne chance avec votre projet de construction :thumbsup:


Randy V

Staff member
Lifetime Supporter
Freddy - No worries here about your English. You would absolutely hate my French! :)

Glad that you and Chris have made the connection!
You might want to also check out Kennedy for an adapter. they are well versed and a great company to deal with. They have other stuff like flywheels, pressure plate assemblys etc that are built for the bigger engines. When they shipped my flywheel, it came in the balanced form. My engine was internally balanced. They swapped it out at no cost to me.

Kennedy Engineered Products

If you are in need of a G50, we can certainly help you with your build. We build a great many of the G50 gearboxes and usually offer a taller 4th gearset of 0.96 and 5th gearset of 0.667 to make these a bit better suited for the V8 applications. We have had very good success with this setup.

I would be happy to help you in any way I can, and feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.

Warmest Regards,

Erik Johnson
Carquip Sales
(303) 443-1343 ext 2 work
(720) 980-9407 cell
[email protected]