Has anybody read this book?

The original has been out of print for decades, but is still often findable on Ebay or Alibris.com. The book was reissued in 2001 by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and is still sold by them at Book Search Results - SAE BOOKSTORE.

Only problem with the reissue is that the photos (likely reproduced from the first edition, not original film or plates) are of not great quality. The book, however, remains fantastic. I read it for the first time when i was a kid and it literally changed my life -- doubt I'd be spending time on this site otherwise.

BTW -- Levine wrote and SAE published a second volume covering 1968 - 2000 which isn't nearly as interesting, largely because the racing was a lot less interesting during those years.

This thread prompted me to reread the Levine book (for the nth time). Its still a great read, 40 years after it was published. Sort of sad though, since so many of the featured characters -- many of whom became heroes of mine -- are gone, or soon will be. Consider this -- when it was written, right after the 1967 season, the 1920's were as recent as the 60's are today. One section is based on an interview with Frank Kulick, one of the first 5 employees of the Ford Motor Co. and Ford's first "factory" driver -- before WWI.