
Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
Interesting? Sounds like yet another rehash of the last umpteen pages of posts. Why do I do this...I quess it's like watching the Mercedes flip over and over again. Some kind of fasination with it that prevents me from turning away.
Got this in the mail today. Private healthcare in GB !!! Sent for you all to see how the insurance companies market their product.


  • saga 9 sept 09021.pdf
    1.8 MB · Views: 218
I heard the Financial Times report of Obama's speech and it sounded good. But here is some further info from one of my conservative sources.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Thanks to your hard work, the "Free Our Health Care NOW!" petition ( ) which is your statement that you do not want government run health care, is now the largest health policy petition ever delivered to Congress. More than 1.275 million Americans have joined you in fighting government-run health care.
Sign, Sealed, Delivered. Today is a historic day! On Wednesday afternoon, Governor Pete du Pont, Chairman of the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), and Dr. John Goodman, President of the NCPA, along with Mike Gallagher and other Salem Radio hosts Dennis Prager, Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt will deliver the "Free Our Health Care NOW!" petition to the leaders of Congress. At 1:30 pm the petition will be driven to Capitol Hill in an ambulance; when it arrives, volunteers will stack the petition- 55,000 pages contained in 15 boxes -on a gurney and deliver this incredible expression of America's voices to Congress at a 2:00 pm EDT press conference.
Your Identity is Secure. Some of you have asked if the government will know your email address because of your association with the petition. Please know that we have not and will not release your personal information to any other party, including the government. The petition only provides your first and last name and the state of your residence.
Thank you for your support! In response to our requests, many of you have given to the "Free Our Health Care NOW!" petition. We appreciate it. Please know that your support is crucial to keeping the fight alive! We are now on to the fall debate, Phase II Solutions. If you can afford to give to help us with Phase II, please do so.
Showdown at Capitol Hill. Yours is not the only voice that's trying to be heard on Capitol Hill. In an attempt to regain control of the health care debate, President Obama plans to address a joint session of Congress only hours after the delivery of the "Free Our Health Care NOW!" petition. Call your Congressmen - tell them that yours is the voice that they should remember.
The Fight Continues! Join Freedom Works Foundation for the 9.12 March on Washington: The Tea Party Movement Comes to Capitol Hill! Please join thousands of grassroots Americans from across the country in our nation's capital to tell the politicians the era of big government is over! For more information, see
Britain: Where It's Better to be a Prisoner than a Patient. An examination of Britain's government-run health care system reveals how terrifying nationalized health care can be.

  • This article in the Daily Telegraph explains that the British government's National Health Service has promulgated a policy which wrongly determines some patients as "close to death" and deprives them of the basic care that would otherwise sustain them.

  • Meanwhile, this article in the Daily Mail reveals that British prisoners have a better diet than patients in National Health Service hospitals.
Welcome to Massachusetts, Welcome to Rationed Health Care. As this New York Times article reports, Massachusetts has begun rationing its state-sponsored health care after only three years since the state adopted a government-run health care system. Last week, Governor Deval Patrick announced that 31,000 legal immigrants will no longer receive dental, hospice or skilled-nursing care because of scale-backs.
In response to rationing falling on her constituents, Eva Millona, executive director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, said she was worried about immigrants' having to find new primary care doctors at a time when the state is suffering from a shortage of such providers. The question observant Commonwealth residents must be asking now is, "Am I next to see a reduction in benefits, services and care?"
The British and Massachusetts experience: government-run health care leads to higher cost, lower quality, and reduced access. As taxpayers and as patients, Americans simply can't afford government-run health care!
Worried about the cost, quality and access of government-run health care? You should be. The good news is that a growing number of Americans share your concern. If you'd like to find out more about the problems of cost, quality and access, you can here.
There are lots of ways to get involved!
There is also a wealth of other educational and resource material available, including better alternatives to government-run health care:

Health Care Solutions:

Five Steps to a Better Health Care System:

Dr. John Goodman's Blog - Current, up-to date information on the debate:

Heartland Institute's Health Care Solutions:
Thank you again for your support of the "Free Our Health Care NOW!" and for fighting against government-run health care.

Jeanette Nordstrom
National Center for Policy Analysis
From a friends's 80 year old uncle:

Sent: Fri, Sep 11, 2009 9:29 am
Subject: Re: this time with the link attached!

Janice, I have read the attached e-mails and have concluded that none of us are going to be satisfied with all of our concerns over health care reform. No p rogram is going address all of our personal problems. The democrats and republicans are worlds apart in trying to reach a solution. Obama has not provided any leadership in trying to get a health care bill through the congress. He has allowed Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to handle the problem and they have done a terrible job. Even Obama hasn't been able to explain it in sufficient detail to satisfy the many concerns of the people. He keeps contradicting himself. The polls are a good indication that the Obama health care bill is in trouble and if they jam it down our throats then there will be a back lash in the 2010 voting. The tea parties are growing and many people who voted for Obama are having voter's remorse. This is not the change that they voted for.

It is generally agreed that there is a need for health care reform since about 47 million people do not have coverage. Of this number there are about 13 million who are illegal immigrants so this reduces the number of uninsured to about 34 million. To insure these people without increasing the number of doctors will result in a longer waiting period and rationing of health care. Since the elderly incur higher health care costs they are going to be the most vulnerable and will be denied most medical services since they are too old. Rememb er, everyone (including illegal aliens) has access to health care whether they have insurance or not, because they can always go the emergency room of a hospital for treatment and will not be denied medical treatment. Of course we all pay for it.

Obama and the liberals want to have universal health coverage so that the governmen t can take it over. They want a public or government option. This means that they will compete with the insurance companies in an effort to drive down the costs. People will seek government coverage since they will undercut the insurance companies and drive them out of business. With a government takeover the cost to taxpayers will add about a trillion dollars to the already $10 trillion budget deficit. This is unaffordable and unsustainable.&nb sp;If history is any indication, it will cost the taxpayers much more than estimated since the cost of health care is rising faster that the economy. It could bankrupt the country since the government has been a failure in matters like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae mortgage companies, the post office, Medicare, Medicaid and all of the government bailouts. The government (democrats) was responsible for the sub-prime meltdown and refused to investigate the growing problem. Now congress refuses to invest igate Acorn.

Obama has not told us how he is going to pay for it. He says they will save money through cutting waste and fraud prevention. This is not true. The government has always shown that they are the number one offender of fraud and waste. Obama says that this bill will not include illegal aliens or abortion. That is not true.The republicans have submitted an amendment to exclude illeg als and abortion and the democrats defeated it. So the battle goes on.

Having said that, one of your friends is obviously opposed to health care coverage by insurance companies because of previously bad experiences. Let's face it insurance companies are in the busines to make a profit. That is the American way. One sticking point is the pre-existing condition aspect. Many people change or lose jobs and when they do they lose their health coverage. They can apply for coverage under Cobra insurance but that is only for a limited period of time. If a person has a serious pre-existing health problem, an insurance company will not give you coverage and that can be problem. It can destroy you financially if you have a terminal illness. I am incllined to feel that this will s oon be changed by government regulations. That is why some people want the government to take over the health care business.They feel that the government will give you everything. Not so.Then you will have the government tell you what you can have done and what you can't have done. The government will try to control costs so they are not going to give you everything you want. It could be worse than before especially for the elderly. They will eventually have to raise taxes to pay for it and they will still go bankrupt.
Too good to not post:

<table id="EC_EC_INCREDIMAINTABLE" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td id="EC_EC_INCREDITEXTREGION" dir="ltr" style="font-size: 12pt; direction: ltr;" width="100%"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top"> FREE Alaskan Cruise for Seniors



</td></tr> <tr> <td id="EC_EC_INCREDIFOOTER" width="100%"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="100%">
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<hr> Get back to school stuff for them and ca
Weelllll, I personally don't have any real helpful insight, but I will say that what we have now is only slightly OK. I seriously thought about not getting any health insurance this year when I got a new job because after adding up the money taken from my paychecks and my deductibles for the year (assuming I use the deductibles) - it ends up being almost 20% of my yearly salary! This doesn't even include the copays. Not including the deductibles is still over 10%.

One of the arguments I don't buy is used in the "80 year old uncle" email. It mentions increased taxes as if that is putting even MORE financial burden on the taxpayers. It fails to include the fact that you won't be losing money from your paycheck to pay for health insurance.

Having said all of that, at this moment in time I am not happy with either the left or the right on this issue because 1) the right hasn't done ANYTHING and 2) the left, in my opinion, is not doing the correct thing. The left is aiming at how to cover the high costs instead of doing something about why the costs are up so high to begin with.

I had neck surgery a few years ago and asked my surgeon beforehand if he could give me a ballpark estimate on the cost of the surgery. He was silent for a few moments with a look on his face that told me 2 things: 1) s**t, I don't know; and 2) oh crap, someone actually asked that question - how do I lie my way out of this? It took a few back and forths to finally get him to give me his best answer: I send a ridiculously high bill to your insurance company knowing that they will chop some of it out and they come back with some of it chopped out and then after they pay their part, you pay the rest.:furious: :cry: :laugh: I guess that's all you can do is laugh. Besides paying the bill of course.

Terry Oxandale

Skinny Man
So veterans have a socialized health care here in the US, and Medicaid and Medicare are semi-socialized packages. How can this be! Is the end of the world on nigh?
Let me first say for those that don't know me, I am not a Republican or Democrat. I am for lack of a tag, a pragmatic Libertarian. I feel the Libertarians are missing the boat and should be screaming the loudest because the present offering to become law is going to destroy and take away more of our liberties than any legislation ever passed!!

I hope these links work. You don't hear about the alternatives because the media outlets won't tell you about them.
Maybe this will silence those that say the Republicans have nothing to offer and want the system to remain as it is. Notice the dates of introduction. AMAZING!!!!
It takes just a few clicks of the mouse to DO THE RESEARCH to find answers. Most people would rather talk about something they think they know about, but won't bother to find a/the source to confirm their thoughts fears etc. When you do the research, you can make up your own mind and connect the dots

Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Richard Burr (R-NC) and Representatives Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Devin Nunes (R-CA) are sponsoring the Patients' Choice Act of 2009 (S. 1099 and H.R. 2520). It creates an option for the states to pursue state-based health insurance exchanges, described by the sponsors as "a one-stop marketplace to compare different health insurance policies and select the one that meets their unique needs."
H.R. 2520: Patients' Choice Act (
Shows the progress of the bill. It pretty much shows what happens to any bill submitted by Republicans Note the date of introduction!!!

GovTrack: H.R. 2520: Text of Legislation, Introduced in House
This is the full text of the bill. Read just the table of contents and tell me this isn't better than the Obama plan. Note the date of introduction.

H.R. 2520 - Summary: Patients' Choice Act (
Here is the quick summary of the entire bill.

H.R. 2520: Patients' Choice Act (
Related bills and resolutions identified by Library of Congress staff

H.R. 3400: The Republican Answer to the Democrats on Healthcare

Here is a Link to Download.
This is all 268 pages compared to the 1000 for the Obama plan

UPDATE 2: Here is more information on Republican alternatives to Healthcare

UPDATE 3: Here is another Effort by the Republicans to reform Healthcare
Last edited:
Quote, Chris P.
"One of the arguments I don't buy is used in the "80 year old uncle" email. It mentions increased taxes as if that is putting even MORE financial burden on the taxpayers. It fails to include the fact that you won't be losing money from your paycheck to pay for health insurance."
We are going to pay increased taxes for the healthbill that is going to cost 1 trillion dollars. Of course you will be losing money from your paycheck! And it will be more of a financial burden, the 1 trillion isn't going to float down from heaven.
Quote, Terry O
"So veterans have a socialized health care here in the US, and Medicaid and Medicare are semi-socialized packages."
Medicare and Medicaid are funded, from your paycheck and everyone elses paycheck, and the goverment has managed to spend that money as they have Social Security. How is it when the government steals money, they are not accountable. When FDR introduced Social Security, it was supposed to go into a trust fund for us. In 1958 congress voted that it go into the general fund so they could piss it away. If the money had stayed in the trust, Social Security would have been a very comfortable retirement fund. "Thieving illegitimate children" as my father used to say!
Indian healthcare is also funded through tax money, truly socialized, and truly a farce. Look how the goverment treats the American Indian. They are the only people in the USA with a legitimate reason to be pissed off. We should be ashamed of the way we treat them!
Al - I used poor wording. I should have said "It fails to include the fact that you won't be losing money from your paycheck to pay for PRIVATE health insurance."

My point is that YES, taxes will go up to pay for a national health insurance, but you will be gaining back the money in each paycheck that you WERE losing to private health insurance. It's not just a simple case of adding on more taxes - you do gain something back in each paycheck (assuming you are currently paying for private health insurance.)

I personally am all for leaving it private and letting ME make the decision because somewhere down the road the government will find a way to piss this money away somewhere else and start this all over again (actually, continue their wasteful ways.) I also believe, however, that something has to be done with the fact that health care costs are so ridiculously high and climbing.
I have to vehemently disagree with you on the reduces cost. It is ridiculous to throw out the entire system of health care insurance to replace it with the government option only. Do you see how crazy it is to throw out the ONLY system that will create competition and replace it with a MONOPOLY!!! The government creates a crisis(regulation of the industry) and then has to ride to the rescue with a ew program.
The government can arbitrarily lower their cost of coverage because they will never go bankrupt. Once they have dontrol of your healthcare they can charge whatever they want to. Rather they can pay out what ever they want to. How many doctors and nurses do you think will hang around or even go into the field of study with that as a living wage propsal?
I have an interesting question for you. If the cost of premiums is high now, how would you like it to jump up to 239Billion$ more right away????
They say that this will be implemented without increasing the deficits. Really?
Here is more of my research for you. I hope you didn't get a headache reading the last bit.

Detailed Analysis: House Democrats’ Government Takeover Creates 53 New Government Programs, Offices, & Bureaucracies

Washington, Sep 3 -

Democrats continue to claim that their health care legislation will not increase the federal deficit, even though the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has revealed the truth: the bill actually increases the deficit by $239 billion. One of the reasons it’s so expensive is the plethora of new federal government programs it would create. House Republican Leader John Boehner offered the following comment:

<table style="background: rgb(255, 255, 153) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; width: 5.5in; border-collapse: collapse;" width="528" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr style="page-break-inside: avoid;"> <td style="border: 1pt dashed windowtext; padding: 5.75pt; width: 5.5in; background-color: transparent;" valign="top">
“The American people’s number one concern
about health care is controlling cost, so it is baffling that Democrats
have put together a $1.5 trillion bill that actually increases the
deficit in order to create 53 new government programs. We need to throw
away this 1,000-page monstrosity and start over, this time focusing on
real, bipartisan reforms that lower costs and expand coverage.”

</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

The House Democrats’ bill creates a massive new federal bureaucracy littered with new federal agencies, new programs, and new bureaucrats. Here they are, as identified by the House Republican Conference, chaired by Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN):

1. Health Benefits Advisory Committee (Section 123, p. 30)

2. Health Choices Administration (Section 141, p. 41)

3. Qualified Health Benefits Plan Ombudsman (Section 144, p. 47)

4. Program of administrative simplification (Section 163, p. 57)

5. Retiree Reserve Trust Fund (Section 164(d), p. 70)

6. Health Insurance Exchange (Section 201, p. 72)

7. Mechanism for insurance risk pooling to be established by Health Choices Administration Commissioner (Section 206(b), p. 106)

8. Special Inspector General for the Health Insurance Exchange (Section 206(c), p. 107)

9. Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund (Section 207, p. 109)

10. State-based Health Insurance Exchanges (Section 208, p. 111)

11. “Public Health Insurance Option” (Section 221, p. 116)

12. Ombudsman for “Public Health Insurance Option” (Section 221(d), p. 117)

13. Account for receipts and disbursements for “Public Health Insurance Option” (Section 222(b), p. 119)

14. Telehealth Advisory Committee (Section 1191, p. 380)

15. Demonstration program providing reimbursement for “culturally and linguistically appropriate services” (Section 1222, p. 405)

16. Demonstration program for shared decision making using patient decision aids (Section 1236, p. 438)

17. Accountable Care Organization pilot program (Section 1301, p. 443)

18. Independent patient-centered medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302, p. 462)

19. Community-based medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302(d), p. 468)

20. Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (Section 1401(a), p. 502)

21. Comparative Effectiveness Research Commission (Section 1401(a), p. 505)

22. Patient ombudsman for comparative effectiveness research (Section 1401(a), p. 519)

23. Quality assurance and performance improvement program for skilled nursing facilities (Section 1412(b)(1), p. 546)

24. Quality assurance and performance improvement program for nursing facilities (Section 1412 (b)(2), p. 548)

25. Special focus facility program for skilled nursing facilities (Section 1413(a)(3), p. 559)

26. Special focus facility program for nursing facilities (Section 1413(b)(3), p. 565)

27. National independent monitor pilot program for skilled nursing facilities and nursing facilities (Section 1422, p. 607)

28. Demonstration program for approved teaching health centers with respect to Medicare GME (Section 1502(d), p. 674)

29. Pilot program to develop anti-fraud compliance systems for Medicare providers (Section 1635, p. 716)

30. Medical home pilot program under Medicaid (Section 1722, p. 780)

31. Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund (Section 1802, p. 824)

32. “Identifiable office or program” within CMS to “provide for improved coordination between Medicare and Medicaid in the case of dual eligibles” (Section 1905, p. 852)

33. Public Health Investment Fund (Section 2002, p. 859)

34. Scholarships for service in health professional needs areas (Section 2211, p. 870)

35. Loan repayment program for service in health professional needs areas (Section 2211, p. 873)

36. Program for training medical residents in community-based settings (Section 2214, p. 882)

37. Grant program for training in dentistry programs (Section 2215, p. 887)

38. Public Health Workforce Corps (Section 2231, p. 898)

39. Public health workforce scholarship program (Section 2231, p. 900)

40. Public health workforce loan forgiveness program (Section 2231, p. 904)

41. Grant program for innovations in interdisciplinary care (Section 2252, p. 917)

42. Advisory Committee on Health Workforce Evaluation and Assessment (Section 2261, p. 920)

43. Prevention and Wellness Trust (Section 2301, p. 932)

44. Clinical Prevention Stakeholders Board (Section 2301, p. 941)

45. Community Prevention Stakeholders Board (Section 2301, p. 947)

46. Grant program for community prevention and wellness research (Section 2301, p. 950)

47. Grant program for community prevention and wellness services (Section 2301, p. 951)

48. Grant program for public health infrastructure (Section 2301, p. 955)

49. Center for Quality Improvement (Section 2401, p. 965)

50. Assistant Secretary for Health Information (Section 2402, p. 972)

51. Grant program to support the operation of school-based health clinics (Section 2511, p. 993)

52. National Medical Device Registry (Section 2521, p. 1001)

53. Grants for labor-management programs for nursing training (Section 2531, p. 1008)
More research for those that care to do the reading.

Read Byron York’s article titled “Health care reform means more power for the IRS”, This is like reading the script of a horror movie. It is found in Division A, Title IV on pages 167-215 called Amendments to IRS Code of 1986. The expanded powers of the IRS in H.R. 3200 would empower the IRS to require taxpayers to show proof of health insurance coverage, collect fines on individuals and employers who did not have adequate proof of health insurance, and determine if your health insurance was a government approved plan.
Anyone who has gone through a tax audit, knows the horror story that this will lead to.

I just don't see how anyone can sit there and support this massive growth of government and invasion of our liberties. Bigger government is not what we need. I don't care why it is expanding. The insurandce companys lobbyed for the regulations and the government gave it that led to this situation. It is chaper and a lot more sense to rewrite the regulations. We don't need government telling everything we need to do or making the decisions for us. Have we gotten so lazy that we don't want to make any decisions for ourselves? Except which team we want to root for or which Hollywood star is dating Brad Pitt. Yeah, that really influences our lives!!
Medicare and Medicaid are funded, from your paycheck and everyone elses paycheck, and the goverment has managed to spend that money as they have Social Security. How is it when the government steals money, they are not accountable. When FDR introduced Social Security, it was supposed to go into a trust fund for us. In 1958 congress voted that it go into the general fund so they could piss it away. If the money had stayed in the trust, Social Security would have been a very comfortable retirement fund. "Thieving illegitimate children" as my father used to say!

It was 1968 when LBJ proposed a "unified budget" for all such funds, to simplify things. It
wasn't enacted until 1969, and as a result, Social Security was "on-budget" until removed
in 1990 (it was partially off starting in 1980, and considered "on-budget" for deficit
computing purposes from 1986 - 1990). But, this is not how the money is spent, but
rather, how the books are maintained.

How Social Security is required to be funded and invested, including Congress' ability to
use the funds, has not changed since its inception in 1935 and initially amended in 1939.
That is, the money flows in via taxes, goes out to Congress in the form of T-bills, and
then Congress "pays" it back when the T-bills mature.

Social Security History FAQs Internet Myths II

I find it quite amazing that the guys here who are probably upper middle class and above, for the most part have a reasonable working knowledge of the proposed healthbill. I find it more amazing that the congress, senate and president probably don't have as good an idea of what the bill is about as we do! I've heard questions at town hall meetings and the bumbling responses by politicians and I find that appalling, that's their job!