
But when Bush beat Kerry by a margin of 50.07% to 48.3%, we were told the election was a decisive mandate for Bush's agenda. You guys need to make up your minds.

We will see what happens over the next 3 1/2 years and go from there. No one said it was going to be easy to clean up the mess the last administration left. Nor will some of the things that need to be done be pretty or popular, but they still need to be done.

It's a little sad to see a political party once lead by good men like Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and Goldwater disintegrate into what it is today; a party lead by a radio talk show host.

Whats worse is to look back at history and see a party such as yours that stood in the way of abolishing slavery and then years later perverted a party that JFK ( which your party would consider a Conservative by current standards) stood for...
come on !!! your party has moved so far to the left that its loosing sight
of what the common man wants.. and I truly believe the next election will prove it
My comments this morning to a friend in the states.

The New York Times said that Obama has lost momentum and is now moving away from the Government one payer system to a more ammenable program.

So far Obama's scorecard:
- lost one to N.Korea with Bill Clinton saving Gore's bacon (per the Sunday Mail - a left wing publication)
- lost one to Iran with no communication from Iran, and no change of communication and no change in government
- did nothing more than continue with the Bush tax cuts for the time being to stimulate the economy
- passified the left and further alienated the right
- is losing momentum on health care
- will probably lose cap and trade


Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
You know I listen to the Conservatives and the Liberals on this tread and a couple others and you can see by the public profile info they have entered who is a worker or self made person and who is just a looking for a hand out and standing in the line for someone to give them something its pretty easy to equate. I prefer Conservative but not happy with them now, I think Ron Paul could changed things but without the behind the curtain deals or the promise of sharing the wealth with those who don't work and will not works he doesn't have a chance winning the vote so I guess we are stuck with devious types to run our country. Our government is in a poor state as our nation is, I really don't know the answer like many of you on what is going to happen. We had a guest from France at our home for the last couple days, he is an airline Capitan and is considered wealthy in France, he pays 75% of his income in taxes to those social programs designed to help those who will not work. He said that we are on our way to what he is experiencing now, sharing the wealth is not good and big government is not good. The French health care system is worthless to the people who work and have to pay taxes, it only works for those who don't.

I have written emails to our state congressman and the state senators. I have not had a response from any of them yet, that was week before last. I did have one of our congressmen (who is a woman) in the state of MO look at some of my work and said that it would look good in her office and I could put my name on the piece so everyone could see it. She was asking for it as a donation. What a piece of shit she is but she is in the grove with the rest of them.

Jack Houpe

GT40s Supporter
Domtoni, I don't know what I am now. I guess just frustrated.

I am in my mid 50s never been unemployed so I can't tell you what that is like. I feel for those who have lost there jobs and health insurance that is real scary. But letting our government take over and FIX it is not the answer in my opinion. I think we just need to change our policy concerning who gets it for free and who doesn't. I am from California and was raised in California, in the early eighties I left that state for someplace to raise my family that was safe. When I was a young person in CA the immigrants that were picking fruit (grapes and vegetables) were good people with a cause, they wanted to earn enough money to go back to Mexico and live a good life for the rest of the year. I don't remember any of them staying and having babies in the USA so they could receive free medical. The hospitals are burdened with this problem and not just in CA the cost is passed on to us that work and have to buy insurance. Just for my wife and I its just over $1000 per month and its catastrophe insurance with high detectable and we are healthy! I think that anyone who is to receive any benefits from social services should pass a drug test every month, in CA that would eliminate over 50% I am sure and moment they fail they should loose the benefit. Make changes like this not make the people that work responsible for those who don't. Look at CA now, its a mess, all the liberals have for many years made it a state of entitlements. I know to many people who know exactly how to milk the system in CA. I could go on and on but its really just a release of my frustrations.

The extremes of both sides are too much for me. As a society, we should help those that can't help themselves. But we are helping too many that can help themselves.

For example, here in the UK, we have / had 2 million on disability benefits. Those that could work, were signed off work by their doctors, and they get money to stay home. Its not right for those who work and pay taxes. The doctors don't care because they get paid by their employer (read the government health care system) to see the patient.

It is nice to be unemployed and not have to worry about medical insurance. If I go back to Illinois (the most corrupt state in the Union) I am in the same boat as everyone else. But if I look at what it cost me to be insured here, it was 8.5% of my top line gross and my employer paid 12.5%. It doesn't matter if one does well and has private insurance (I also pay £600/year for private coverage on top of the NHS) or is insured through a national scheme, those that work pay. Anyone who works can do that simple calculation. Remember the max state pension for someone who worked 40 years is like £150 / week, and the max unemployment benefit is £12 / day for six months. Social Security and unemployment is better in the states but one in the states is responsible for his medical insurance.

I guess the real question is:
How does a government create full employment (96%), get people to pay taxes, and then help those that need help??

The Pope made a statement about a year ago. He said everyone is entitled to:
- housing
- education
- healthcare
- opportunity
- a job !!!!

With the job, each person can pay for his needs. That's what it is about.

People have to learn to fish, and not be fed fish caught by others.
Both political parties are marred by sex, and money scandals. Both have elitist that are doing their jobs for their own fullfillment with no interest for the people they represent. They fly on private government jets and heap scorn on the auto execs for not flying commercial airlines. Social programs reward the slackers and penalize the people that hold jobs. The left wants to give our Social Security to illegal aliens. They want to give them healthcare if it passes. Why do the wage earners have to be responsible for buying votes for the left? Even as a humanitarian effort it's stupid! If any of this passes we will have twice the illegals here within a year. All for a vote, they could give a damn about illegal aliens.
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Al, I think you hit it. Its about one party buying votes to secure its future. Everyone who has a vote is equal to the next guy. No one is better than anyone else.

We see the political parties here buying votes with immigration (both legal and illegal) to protect their future, not ours.
What do you suppose BO is doing in Mexico right now? He's meeting with the leaders of Mexico and Canada. How does THe American Union sound to you? One currency, one big almost 3rd world country. Honestly, did you ever think there would be a European Union? The Euro? We are sliding into hell and don't even know it! Then the US and Canada can be responsible for for ALL of S America!

I have seen the European Union. Not a bad idea keeping war at bay, and a most noble goal !!

Only problem is it is run by politicans who have not done well in their own country, get paid a ton of money and are not accountable to anyone, and then tell each country how to run their lives.

Sorry if I am so cheerful !!
You mean like John Edwards?????

John Edwards is a douche. Gingrich is a hypocritical sack of shait. While leading the fight to impeach Clinton for his stupid indiscretions, Gingrich was having an affair himself. What's he on now, his third marriage? So much for the "Party of Family Values".

John Edwards is a douche. Gingrich is a hypocritical sack of shait. While leading the fight to impeach Clinton for his stupid indiscretions, Gingrich was having an affair himself. What's he on now, his third marriage? So much for the "Party of Family Values".

The majority of polititicians are flawed in some way, "power breeds corruption, absolute power breeds absolute corruption". If we were to search into the lives of every politician, I would wager that we would find indiscretion in most. This doesn't make it right, it makes it a fact of life. We would hope that the people that we choose to serve us in the most important position would be upstanding, moral people. The ones that rise to the top, are quite often the most flawed. They always get caught for the most part, but I find it hard to believe that they are that stupid! Paying for hookers with a credit card, taking off to Argentina over fathers day to meet a women, as a father, etc. They must have styrofoam peanuts for brains! How do we not see this during the election process? In the end this reflects badly on us. But how are we to know?
+1 Al! Most, if not all politicians and used car salesmen share a common gene.

They would sell their mother for a quarter, or a vote!
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A remark was brought up about Newt. I think he is morally pretty far down the totem pole. I do however think he is one of the most brilliant minds in politics today. I am sure I'll get flamed for that comment. I would ask only one thing. Those on the liberal side say that the conservatives complain about the motives and proposals of the left, and don't offer any alternatives. Well I will challenge you to go to American Solutions American Solutions and take a look around at what they are doing. Look at "Who we are" and "What we do". Hear what they have to say before scoffing that it is drivel. Click on "Featured Campaigns" to see some answers. Click on some of the videos of Mr. Gingrich, Lisa Keegan, Peter Groff, David Kralik, Tim Cameron, Dan Kotman and others who are interested in finding solutions to the problems facing the country today in so many fields of endevor. I think if it wern't for all the baggage Newt would make a pretty good CEO of our country. But then you have to get the Congress to listen and act like statesmen!!!!
Speaking of liberal or conservative, take this little test to see where you are on the political spectrum. It is called the "World's Smallest Political Quiz" Take the Quiz now and find out where you fit on the political map! You may be surprised.
World's Smallest Political Quiz
Interesting little test. Apparently I'm middle right. It would be interesting to see the breakdown of the 12 mil + who took the test.