Hi, newbie here!

Just a short thread to introduce myself! I'm Si (better known as Frodo, hence the nickname) and I've joined because I have ALWAYS wanted a GT40... And I'm fortunate enough to be a DINKY and therefore nearly in a position where I can afford to build one :happy:

I currently serve in the Royal Air Force as a Weapons Systems Officer, which has mainly involved sitting in the back of Tornado F3 jets until now. I now instruct on a trainer called the Tucano in North Yorkshire in England, which is good because it means I get plenty of time to indulge in my other passion - motorsport!

I race a kit car called a Stuart Taylor Locoblade (imagine a cheap copy of a Caterham with a Fireblade bike engine) in various series, mostly with other RAF competitors. I didn't build this one but it has definitely motivated me to build next, and I plan to upgrade this car to a race (but road legal) GT40 :shocked: if the missus doesn't object too strongly...

I hope you won't mind all the silly questions I'll inevitably ask while I make my mind up :rolleyes:


Frodo, welcome to the forum!
I'm sure you will find all of your questions answered. Lots of professional builders herein.
Welcome to the Forum. You are very lucky as there are a lot of great guys on this forum from your home country...the birthplace of the fabulous GT40! I know that they will chime in and send you a hearty hello. If you need advice, this is the place to find it. Some of the best car owners/builders are right in your neck of the woods.