Insulating coolant tubes

I pretty much have my cabin thermal and acoustic insulation under control except for the coolant tubes running in the void between the fuel tank and tub. I'd like to limit the amount of heat thrown at the passenger from the tubes by wrapping them with something. Is there anything other than header wrap that may serve this purpose? There's not a lot of room in there, so this stuff can't be too thick.

I've seen some products that are wraps designed to protect wires and cables, but I don't know if the'll work to hold heat IN, rather than OUT.

Have you looked at the high density spun fiberglas tubes they use on steam pipes and boiler lines? It comes with an outer wrap that is split on one side so that you can open up the tube and slip it over the pipe. Best place to look for it would be an industrial supply house that supplies stuff for boilers. It is about 3/4" to 1" thick.

Howard Jones

If you can't find Buds stuff have a look at roll bar padding. The stuff that is the same thickness all the way around would work well. It's split also so all you have to do is slide it on over the pipes. Secure with a tie rap about every foot or so and your done.

I used some stuff we have at work. It's made of neoprene and looks like the rollbar padding. Made to insulate air conditioning pipes. If you can find some of that it works very well. It is expensive if you have to buy it.

I cut and fit "blue board" pieces into the area between the chassis tubing behind the pipes to keep the heat out also. Blue board is a kind of foam used to insulate bathroom walls. It comes in 4' X 8' sheets and you can get it 1" thick which is perfect for this use. It is easy to cut with a hacksaw blade and you can glue it into place with RTV.

Have a look around Home Depot.


I go with Howards idea. Plumbing insulation is another. The origal suggestion by GTD used to be to foam fill the void all down the passenger side of the car. That is what is on my car but I would not recomend that as sometimes you do need access.

Or how about just rivet a second ali panel between the pipe and the cockpit so create a double galzing kind of air gap. Suggest not to rivet to the coolant pipe though....
I had a similar situation with space considerations and after trying a few things I settled on the fiberglass wrap and secured it with heat shrink tubing which made a nice tight package. I believe I got the wrap from McMaster-carr and the shrink tube also.
Brian, I used PVC tape based on a recommendation that someone made here a couple years ago. You can find it in a plumber's supply store - it is used to protect pipe buried in the ground. I still have a roll left that I can send to you if you want, as my pipes are done. Let me know.

Charlie M


How much room do you have? I used the foil-faced felt insulation from JC Whitney under the carpet in my Cobra. The stuff is about 3/8" thick. If you put the foil side towards the pipes that may work. I have some left over if you want to check it out.
