Mike Symonds Injured.

David Morton

Lifetime Supporter
Young Mike Symonds, the son of Pat Symonds, was taking photographs of a rally car and unfortunately the car came to grief and lost a wheel which continued and hit Mike in the upper leg and face. His femur was snapped and the femoral artery severed along with fairly extensive and painful facial injury. He lost copius amounts of blood and nearly lost his life.
He was only saved by the nearness and skills of the Emergency Unit at the local hospital nearby and spent nearly ten days in the ICU and another twenty in the ward with skin grafting going on during that time.
Mike has worked along side me at the Le Mans 24 our for the last three years and I know how resilient and strong he is so I look forward to working with him agin in 2011. His father Pat has told me it will take six to eight months to recover and I know in will take considerably longer than that to get his strength back. I really wish him well in his recovery.
Please give Mike our deepest sympathy on his accident and our prayers for his quick recovery.