New Gt40 Factory in Indiana

Just came back from the Barrett-Jackson Classic Car Auction in Scottsdale Az. Must be one of the greatest car events in the world. There was a display there of a GT40 in Gulf colors being sold by the "GT40NA Factory" located in Westfield Indiana. It was their first completed car and powered by a 351 Windsor. Their web site is MSRP was stated as $120,000 !!!! I suspect this is a NZ car. Anyone heard of this outfit before?
If it is the car I think it is,,,then you are correct.
The NZ cars have "evolved" and are now being completed in Indiana.
I am a dealer for the New GT40NA, since I had already established a relationship with GT40NZ.
There have been some exciting developments and I will have more info when my first "new" GT40NA arrives shortly.
I expect to be taking delivery of this car very soon and it promises to be very impressive.
Yes. I believe this is the 2cnd car that I received from NZ and is now complete. I sent it to Indi.when I got them back in September.
Uhhh,I believe this "first" car was merily a test mule for the next generation cars,,,,,
which share very little with the old generation cars, except the basic body shape.

be patient,,,,,,,,,,some really exciting stuff is on the way.