Original GT40 - ?

Ron Earp

you keep getting the forum involved in these theoretical discussions and arguments in what appears to be a waste of time.

With all due respect I think you should get yourself a project started and then I think you would get far more help and value from this forum than all these airy fairy no direction questions.



Doug S.

The protoplasm may be 72, but the spirit is 32!
Lifetime Supporter
Ditto on that advice. As Ron says 'Don't Feed the Troll'.

Do you really think he's a troll? I'm not so sure...

I mean....think about our highly esteemed Lonesome Bob and the things he posts....then think about George.

My take on George is that he's fairly young, doesn't have a LOT of mechanical/automotive knowledge or experience, and that shows in the type of questions he poses when he authors a new thread.

Most of us on here have a lot of mechanical/automotive experience...but, can you remember when you didn't? How did you learn about it? Didn't you ask questions that you would know not to ask now?

Just my take.....YOMV :)

...one thing for sure, though...I agree with the rest--George, get started on a project, there'll be plenty of time to make decisions re: powertrain, accessories, potential performance enhancers as the build progresses.




Thanks Doug,

I turned 29 9th of march, so last week! Also, I dont have any mechnical understanding, that is why I ask here because I feel I can trust the advice here given by those with the experience that would know from A-Z what would need to be done to achieve certain things and what things are flat out impossible even with unlimited money.

So yes, Young, and No idea, however, my posts are a credit to the people on the forum because it shows I value their understanding and knowledge.

Jim Rosenthal

What's important is to get started. The things you think will be problems won't be, for the most part. The problems will be stuff you can't anticipate now. It doesn't matter what engine you put in a GT40 as long as it's a Ford. You don't even have to have an engine; you can scare yourself without one, if you find a steep enough hill.....I really feel the thing to do is begin the project and start getting your hands dirty. There is no substitute. I wish I had done more of my own car myself.

Wait a moment, maybe I don't wish that. I'd still be doing it....
Holman & Moody in Charlotte NC built some cars in the day. Holman is still around I think. A few years ago I went to his shop. He had two original cars bodies on stands. He said he would build me one race ready for $500,000.