Photo Quiz

Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter Wake Island 1950, The first photo is of the Pan Am families with the Presidental flag.

The second photo is of my Mom and my Sister with President Truman. My Moms photo, does not show what a very pretty lady she was, but the upper photo with the flag is much better. She has her arm on the boy in the stripped shirt
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Jim Craik

Lifetime Supporter

Yes that was a very big day on our little island. I think the meeting with Macarther took place on October 20th, 1950, I was born on Sep 6, so I was there, but just a few weeks old.

The President and my mom hit it off very well, she took him on a tour of the island in our jeep, imagine that happening today, driving off alone with the President for over an hour (she said that a couple of Secret Sevice guys followed along a ways behind).

At that time Wake Island was the "crossroads" of the Pacific, almost every flight landed there and my family got to meet many famous folks.

James Michener spent a day with my folks on his way to Japan, thats when he wrote Sayonara and the Bridges of Toko-ri. I still have a first addition of "Return to Paradise" with an eloquintly written note about the "sand, sun, stars, waves and wondeful friends"
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