Remember when

Remember when ?

Americans actually made stuff like steel,cars,airplanes,locomotives,trucks,buses,toys,ships,rockets,lathes,mills,tools, springs,razors,cutlery,ceramics,bricks,concrete,toilets, bathtubs,faucets glass,lumber.

How can we expect to thrive if we don't make anything?

My kids need jobs, my friends need jobs,my country men and women need jobs.

I used to watch loons on the lake now they all are in DC.

Mad as hell I am Iam Protect America,
+1 Dave. I'm with you on the need to bring back jobs. We gave tax breaks to large corporations to offshore jobs and taxed then to death in this country with all of the payroll tax increases. It's time to give American entrepreneurs a new beginning and make tax breaks for companies that create jobs here and tax the organizations that move offshore.


Remember when ?

Americans actually made stuff like steel,cars,airplanes,locomotives,trucks,buses,toys,ships,rockets,lathes,mills,tools, springs,razors,cutlery,ceramics,bricks,concrete,toilets, bathtubs,faucets glass,lumber.

How can we expect to thrive if we don't make anything?

My kids need jobs, my friends need jobs,my country men and women need jobs.

I used to watch loons on the lake now they all are in DC.

Mad as hell I am Iam Protect America,

I think you'll find it the same almost everywhere in the Western world my friend...In the UK we all seem to be in the "Service Industry" whatever the hell that means...
Remember when ?

Americans actually made stuff like steel,cars,airplanes,locomotives,trucks,buses,toys,ships,rockets,lathes,mills,tools, springs,razors,cutlery,ceramics,bricks,concrete,toilets, bathtubs,faucets glass,lumber.

How can we expect to thrive if we don't make anything?

My kids need jobs, my friends need jobs,my country men and women need jobs.

I used to watch loons on the lake now they all are in DC.

Mad as hell I am Iam Protect America,

No disrespect Dave,

The country was founded on small business and not the large corporation. I hear people complaining about the lack of jobs out there like someone or something entitles them to a job opportunity.

What this country does, fairly well I think, is allow a citizen the opportunity to create their own destiny.

I will suggest that if you want people to have jobs then encourage them to start their own businesses.

My opinion.
Spydermike, I find it very intersting that sometimes I agree with your position and sometimes I think that you are very off. This time I have to agree with you. I am a small business owner and have had a thriving small company (under 30 employees). I am looking at selling or liquidating the company because of how difficult it has been to run the company. I just don't see it getting any better in the near future. Several friends of mine who also own companies have been having a real difficult time as well and don't have a desire to run companies any more.

I am not talking about the volume of sales, or how the economy as a whole has been hard, but the climate of owning and running a company in these days and in this country has been made near impossible.

I guess we will need to redefine the term "American Dream".
Small business is the engine but small business (manufacturing) needs a level playing field. Tariffs not taxes on us!!!! If you want to sell here you have to pay to play or stay out. Are china or Japans markets free to us?
note I said protect America. Not American corporations doing business else where. This global economy crap is a bunch of crap these morons have touted for decades now. No Jobs and the believe their own BS.

We used to stand and say the pledge of Alligence hand over heart now we stand with our hand out for the dole.

Washington DC needs a whole bunch of ridable rails and a little tar and some feathers

I am done with them all who are they working for surely not us!!!!!!!
Almost every tangible thing you buy and touch is made in China, with a smattering of other things made in Korea or India or Taiwan perhaps. The simple heart of the matter is that people work for a lot lower wage in these places so that's where the manufacturing goes. It's not necessarily a matter of companies offshoring their own work force....that's part of it to a limited's more a matter of companies engaging contracting companies in these locals to make components and sub-assemblies. The result is the same however, less jobs on American soil and more jobs in foreign lands.

What to do? There's really nothing else to do that will be effective other than adopt a protectionist policy that imposes a heavy tax burden on imports thus driving up the price and creating a price point at which a domestically made product (made by correspondingly higher paid American workers) is price competitive. Either you're willing to impose these protectionist policies, or you're not....and if you're not, then your jobs are going offshore.
A furriners view.

As above, the western world is being hammered by low wages in the China's of the world.

A major 40 wheel supplier has moved production off shore.

But, I have recently purchased items from Moroso, Speedhut, Hy-Tech & Wilwood. All, I believe, US based manufacturers. And all with little international competition.

I can only dream of equivelent items being manufactured locally. .01% of the US population is a bloody sight larger than .01% of Australia!

Niche marketing may be the way of the future.
Here in France, we have to deal with the same problems.

Niche marketing isn't going to make work for everyone...

Here, and I believe it's true for almost every western country, we only kept "really high tech" manufacturing skills, and of course, short run productions, which are still cost effective compared to china's products...
At a point that it becomes difficult to find a french based company to have some parts cast!

In the last 10 years or so, lot of companies have been going off-shore, especially in the westen EU countries. I've heard recently, that some of these companies are going back.
For two reasons: quality issues, but in my sense, it becomes less and less an argument, as it's not because you live in a poor country that you are dumb and unskilled.
Second reason is that, by going offshore massively, theses companies have lead thoses contries to raise the level of taxes... etc.

Just a matter of time, maybe not for our generation, but maybe for my newborn, when the "world market" is going to find by itself some kind of equilibrium.

In addition, it will become more and more expensive to have the coton produced in india, the fabric woven in sri lanka, then the jeans made in china, then sent all over the western world for selling, as petrol increases...

Just my 2 cts!

Shift even more industrial outsourcing to China.
With it will come a higher domestic demand for social security.

That´ll finish them off...
Our economy is not righting itself. My point is that we cannot continue on this path. A strong economy has to have people making things we cannot set around selling each other Chinese products having our nails and hair done . Our iron ore mines are setting abandon. We cannot mine or burn coal because it is bad juju. small company after small company have shut down. Watching this happen is a bitter dose
Actually, we fall in the same pattern as the decline of all great nations. Scottish historian and jurist Alexander Fraser Tytler, in his book
The Decline and Fall of the Athenian Empire explains:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”

These nations have progressed through this sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to selfishness;
From selfishness to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.
You have made a very valuable point and one of the most perplexing problems with representative government. Well said by the Scott Tytler.