Sbarro 1040 Replica for Sale

Ron Earp

Sooooooo, this one is a replica then? If so, out right lies there about the year it was produced and so on.

Jim Rosenthal

Caveat emptor is exactly right. The car is a fake. And no disrespect intended to Rex, who pointed it out at the top of the thread.
Before anyone gets too excited this ad appears to be dated October 2008 and the car is not on the vendor's current list
Before anyone gets too excited this ad appears to be dated October 2008 and the car is not on the vendor's current list

You are correct on the 2008 date. I know a prior owner of the real 1040 said it's for sale again (and I've had other people tell me the same). The 1059 ad on the Anamera site is old too, but it's still actively for sale.

Bottom line: it doesn't hurt to be on the alert for fake GT40's. It might save a potential buyer from a big headache.