Tornado / Wealden Engineering

As my GT40 project is now reaching its conclusion I thought I would share my experience I have had with these two companies. When I bought my KVA (off ebay of all places!) I had no knowledge of these cars at all. After having a good study of what I had bought the panic started to set in. The car had been through a number of owners since its initial construction in 1991. Most had made abortive attempts to improve what was in my view an abysmal car. From the information gained by other helpful owners on this forum I was able to obtain both guidance and contacts to help me proceed. I would not have even started if GT40' had not pointed me in the right direction.

A call was made to Mr Andy Sheldon of Tornado who spent a great deal of his time discussing what options I had to rectify the problems with my chassis and other areas (like a wiring loom made from only red and black cable!!). I was greatly surprised that not only was Mr Sheldon prepared to help the owner of car from another manufacturer but that he would always have a chat if I got stuck. The quality of the many parts including thing like wishbones etc. were all of the highest quality. It made the job of grafting these parts onto my KVA reasonably easy. I have nothing but praise for the service and advice I have receieved from Tornado. Thank you Andy and I hope your company continues to prosper.

In addition to all the help from Tornado I have contacted numerous other companies / individuals in this industry who have also greatly assisted me. One of these that stands out is Frank Catt at Wealden Engineering. A specialist company run by a genuine enthusiast for these vehicles. After a coversation with Frank I felt quite humbled on how little I know about GT40's. Since making contact companies like Wealden I have gained much more confidence that I will not have to look too far for support trying to keep my GT40 replica on the road.

I hope that this tells just a little to some of the new people looking at the forum who are still waiting to take the plunge and start their own GT40. I think that before the internet and GT40' was around constructing one of these cars must have been considerably more difficult. I do not think I would undertake such a task again for fear of loosing my wife and kids but the end result has been more than worth it. The GT40 for me is still one of the best looking cars ever produced. My car may not be a real one, made in the 60's with a Le Mans racing history. But I can look at it, sit in it, drive it, and that is real enough for me!


I will have a go John!!


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Here's a few more (sorry for the picture quality!)


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Russ Noble

GT40s Supporter
Lifetime Supporter
That's one helluva pretty car Simon.

Got any side on photos?

What's the red "thing" on the back of the right rear guard in your first pic?

Nice car Simon.

I have to agree with your comments regarding Frank/Wealdon Eng.

He is being very patient with me at the moment when I keep calling and asking him questions. A Top Bloke.
"Red thing"

i think the red light is a idendification light,the gulf cars in the sixties had different colours so they could be identified when racing at night
Here some side shots for you Russ and Alan is quite right, that is my attempt at a Le Mans identification light. The final picture is how my car was when I bought it. Not too bad from the outside but under the body it was a different story.


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I've been looking at KVA's - they have 84-87 corvette suspension I believe. What kind of parking brake do you have on your car?

Hi John

My car was an early KVA that did have a Ford Cortina front suspension with a KVA trailing arm / drum brake rear set up. Thankfully it now has a double wishbone setup at the front with discs and Ford Granada discs and callipers at the rear. These callipers have the handbrake system on them and are easily available here in the UK (and not very costly). I have yet to find out how well they work. I will let you know when I have my first drive this weekend.